
Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcBELMANSIf true, Potential Soil Evaporation according to BELMANS is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcBINTDrainage parameter b for calculation interception by RUTTER (0 if unknown)DOUBLE1--0.0
constantcCO2AAtmospheric CO2 concentrationDOUBLEmicromol m-2 s-1--0.0
constantcCiCaRatioRatio of intercellular CO2 concentration and atmospheric CO2 concentrationDOUBLE1--0.7
constantcD0Sensivitity parameter of stomata to vapor pressure deficitDOUBLEPa--2000.0
constantcDIREKTIf true, ETP estimations from an external input file are usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcDOYEMDay of year of crop emergencyINTd--0
constantcDSTODrainage rate when interception capacity (INTMAX) is exceeded (required to calculate interception according to RUTTER, 0 if unknown)DOUBLEmm/s--0.0
constantcDTXArray of time intervals (event dependent time interval)INTARRAYs---
constantcDZF Depth of the soil layer where lateral subsurface flow occursDOUBLEm--0.0
constantcEAKMCEnergy activation for KMCDOUBLEJ mol-1--79430.0
constantcEAKMOEnergy activation for KMODOUBLEJ mol-1--36380.0
constantcEAVCMXEnergy activation for VCMXDOUBLEJ mol-1--65330.0
constantcFEURThetaR (residual soil water content after drying) in the subsurface flow layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEcubic_metre_per_cubic_metre---
constantcGALPHAParameter alfa in the subsurface flow layer for the vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEreciprocal_metre---
constantcGS0Minimum stomatal conductance when radiation and photosynthesis close to 0DOUBLE1--0.05
constantcGSa1Slope of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance modelDOUBLE1--6.0
constantcGenAlfaParameter alfa for each soil layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEARRAYm-1---
constantcGenDeltaThetaResolution of theta for pre-calculating and storing the vanGenuchten valuesDOUBLEcubic_metre_per_cubic_metre--0.01
constantcGenNParameter n for each soil layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcGenThetaRThetaR (residual soil water content after drying) for each soil layer for vanGenuchtens equationDOUBLEARRAYcubic_metre_per_cubic_metre---
constantcHAUDEIf true, Reference ET according to HAUDE is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcHLIM3HThreshold of soil-water tension for crop transpiration reduction at hight transpirationDOUBLEm---
constantcHLIM3LThreshold of soil-water tension for crop transpiration reduction at low transpirationDOUBLEm---
constantcHLIM4Threshold of soil-water tension for crop transpiration reduction to be 0 (no crop available water)DOUBLEm---150.0
constantcHOMAXlimit at which infiltration surplus runs offDOUBLEmm/h---
constantcHZMAXlimit at which subsurface flow occursDOUBLEmm---
constantcHeatStressTableFactorHeat stress factor as function of temperature (c.f. TMPTB)DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0
constantcHeatStressTableTemperatureTemperature (tmax - .25*(tmax-tmin)) for heat stress factor (c.f. TMPTB)DOUBLEARRAY°C-- 0.0 8.0 10.0 29.0 35.0 40.0
constantcIBUSwitch for lower soil boundary: 0=no flow, 1=constant, 2=free flow INT1---
constantcILAIInitial value of LAIDOUBLEm 2 leaf m-2 ground--0.0
constantcILPNInitial value of LPNDOUBLE--0.0
constantcINTMAXmaximum interception capacity of the vegetation in mmDOUBLEmm--0.0
constantcIQOSwitch for infiltration surplus method: 0=complete runoff, 1=no runoff, 2=runoff up to QOCONST, 3=runoff if greater than HOMAXINT1---
constantcIQZSwitch for subsurface flow method: 0=complete runoff, 1=no runoff, 2=runoff up to QZCONST, 3=runoff if greater than HZMAXINT1---
constantcIROOTswitch for distribution of roots per layer: 1=uniform(FEDDES), 2=triangle(PRADAS), 3=trapez(VGENUCHTEN), 4=as input from other moduleINT1---
constantcIRRIGIrrigation switch (1 irrigation on)BOOLEAN--false
constantcIWLVGInitial value of dry weight of green leafDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
constantcIWRTInitial value of dry weight of rootDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
constantcIWSOInitial value of dry weight of organDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
constantcIWSTInitial value of dry weight of stemDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
constantcIZVARYSwitch whether soil layer thickness is considered to be Constant(=0) or variable(=1)INT1--0
constantcJMUMOLConversion energy from radiation to mole photonDOUBLEmol photons MJ-1--4.56
constantcKC25CO2 turnover rate of Robisco at 25°CDOUBLEg CO2 g-1 Robisco d-1--2.0
constantcKDFExtinction coefficient of leaf for diffuse fluxDOUBLEm2ground ha-1 leaf---
constantcKMC25Michaelis-Menten constant for CO2 at temperature 25°CDOUBLEmicromol mol-1--404.9
constantcKMO25Michaelis-Menten constant for O2 at temperature 25°CDOUBLEmmol mol-2--278.4
constantcKSATSaturated hydraulic conductivity for each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
constantcKcompCompensatory hydraulic conductivity DOUBLEd-1--2.0E-6
constantcKrsHydraulic conductance from soil to leafDOUBLEd-18.0E-66.0E-58.0E-6
constantcLABIZEPTswitch for interception calculation: 0=no interception, 1=constant interception, 2=Rutter-modelINT1--0
constantcLAICRCritial LAIDOUBLEm2 m-2--4.0
constantcLATLatitude of the weather stationDOUBLEdegrees--0.0
constantcLNUFLELeaf number in the main stem when flag leaf shown upDOUBLE1--7.0
constantcLayerDepthThickness of the soil layersDOUBLEARRAYmm---
constantcLeavesPartitioningTableFractionFraction of total dry matter to leaves as function of DVS (c.f. PCLTB)DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.325 0.325 0.48 0.48
constantcLeavesPartitioningTableTsumTsum for fraction of total dry matter to leaves (c.f. PCLTB)DOUBLEARRAY°C d-- 0.0 100.0 265.0 670.0
constantcLongitudeLongitude of the weather stationDOUBLEdegrees--0.0
constantcLongitudeOfTimezoneCenterLongitude of the weather stations time zone centerDOUBLEdegrees--0.0
constantcMAINLVMaintenance respiration coefficient of leavesDOUBLEg CH2O g-1 DM d-1---
constantcMAINRTMaintenance respiration coefficient of rootDOUBLEg CH2O g-1 DM d-1---
constantcMAINSOMaintenance respiration coefficient of organDOUBLEg CH2O g-1 DM d-1---
constantcMAINSTMaintenance respiration coefficient of stemsDOUBLEg CH2O g-1 DM d-1---
constantcMAKKINKIf true, Reference ET according to MAKKINK is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMESSUNGIf true, Reference ET is approximated from measurements of potential evapotranspiration in an external input fileBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMODDTRFactor to modify daily solar radiationDOUBLE--1.0
constantcMODTMPTemperature increment to modify daily temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcMONTEITHIf true, Reference ET according to MONTEITH is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMaxSLAMaximum Specific leaf areaDOUBLEm-2 leaf g-1 leaf--0.03
constantcMaximalCROPHTMaximal crop heightDOUBLEm--1.0
constantcMinSLAMininum Specific leaf areaDOUBLEm-2 leaf g-1 leaf--0.017
constantcMinimalTTANTHMinimal value for thermal time when plant flowering (anthesis) occursDOUBLE°C d--900.0
constantcMinimalTimeStepMinimal time step for calculation of vertical water flows in the soil matrixDOUBLEs1.0E-53600.00.1
constantcNGENUParameter n in the subsurface flow layer for the vanGenuchten equationDOUBLE1---
constantcO2Atmospheric O2 concentrationDOUBLEmicromol CO2 m-2 s-1--0.0
constantcPCLTBFraction table for leavesDOUBLEARRAY---
constantcPCRTBFraction table for rootsDOUBLEARRAY---
constantcPhyllochroneInterceptIntercept of relation between the mean thermal rate of leaf appearance ( °C day-1) and the rate of change of day length at crop emergence (h day-1)DOUBLE1--0.0117
constantcPhyllochroneSlopeslope of relation between the mean thermal rate of leaf appearance ( °C day-1) and the rate of change of day length at crop emergence (h day-1)DOUBLE1--0.024
constantcPsiCPsychromatic instrument constantDOUBLEkPa °C-1--0.066
constantcPsiLeafOpenLeaf water potential when stomata are fully opened (specific for plant)DOUBLEm--0.0
constantcPsiLeafQuotientMinimumMinimal value of PsiLeaf quotientDOUBLE0.01.00.0
constantcPsiLeafThresholdThreshold of leaf water potential (specific for plant)DOUBLEm-200.0-150.0-160.0
constantcQ10Factor acounting for increase in maintance respiration with a 10°C rise temperatureDOUBLE_---
constantcQOCONSTmaximum of runoffDOUBLEmm/h---
constantcQZCONSTmaximum of subsurface flowDOUBLEmm---
constantcRGRLRelative growth rate of leaf area during exponential growthDOUBLE(°Cd)-1---
constantcRITCHIEIf true, Potential Soil Evaporation according to RITCHIE is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcRainIntervalTime intervall between precipitation measurements in secondsINTs---
constantcRboundboundary layerDOUBLEs m-1--7.0
constantcRoCpVolumetric heat capacityDOUBLEMJ/m3 C--0.0012
constantcRootsPartitioningTableFractionFraction of total dry matter to roots as function of DVS (c.f. PCRTB)DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.5 0.5 0.35 0.35
constantcRootsPartitioningTableTsumTsum for fraction of total dry matter to roots (c.f. PCRTB)DOUBLEARRAY°C d-- 0.0 100.0 265.0 670.0
constantcSAINTCSwitch for rain interception calculation (0 no intercept, 1 intercept)DOUBLE--0.0
constantcSCPScattering coefficients of leaf for PARDOUBLE_--0.2
constantcSRNOFFSwitch for runoff calculation (0 no runoff, 1 runoff)DOUBLE--0.0
constantcTBASEBase temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcTHETAOInitial volumetric water contentDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcTHETASVolumetric water content at saturation for each layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcTHETBUInitial volumetric water content at the bottomDOUBLEm3/m3---
constantcTMPTBTable for heatstress factorDOUBLEARRAY---
constantcTTSSETemperature sum to emergence?DOUBLE°C day---
constantcTopsoilDepthdepth of topsoilDOUBLEm--0.9
constantcUsePsiLeafQutientIf true, use PsiLeafQuotient. If false (default) use TRANRF for stress calculation (including additional DTGA correction)BOOLEAN--false
constantcVMAMacropore volume in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm3/m3---
constantcWaterUptakeMethodWhich method to use (Feddes (default), Couvreur)CHAR--
inputiActualPrecipitationHeightactual precipitation heightDOUBLEARRAYmm---
inputiActualPrecipitationTimetime in seconds of day when the precipitation is measured INTARRAYs---
inputiBBGsoil cover rate with plants (calculating interception by RUTTER)DOUBLE1---
inputiFACPLplant factor for calculating evapotranspiration by MAKKINK or HAUDEDOUBLE1---
inputiLplplant height in cmDOUBLEcm---
inputiOpenPanEvaporationMeasured open pan evapotranspirationDOUBLE1---
inputiPHIrelative humidityDOUBLE1---
inputiRAINDiurnalDaily precipitationDOUBLEARRAYmm d-1---
inputiRDDDiurnalDiurnal Daily global radiationDOUBLEARRAYJ m-2 d-1---
inputiRelativeRootLengthPerLayerrelative root length per layerDOUBLEARRAY10.01.0-
inputiRgglobal solar radiationDOUBLEW/m2---
inputiRnnet solar radiation in W/m**2DOUBLEW/m2---
inputiRootRestrictionFactorroot restriction factor due to root density and agingDOUBLEARRAYm0.020.0-
inputiTEMPair temperatureDOUBLE°C---
inputiTMDiurnalDiurnal Daily temperatureDOUBLEARRAY°C---
inputiVPDiurnalActual vapour pressureDOUBLEARRAYKpa---
inputiWCLVolumetric in each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYcm3 H2O cm-3 soil---
inputiWIND2wind speed at 2m heightDOUBLEm/s---
inputiWNDiurnalWind speedDOUBLEARRAYm s-1---
inputiZROOTDepth of roots in mDOUBLEm---
statesDMFDepth of the soil layer where lateral subsurface flow occursDOUBLEm---
statesDRYDAYNumber of days without rainINT1---
statesDTCurrent time stepINTs---
statesDTHResolution of theta for calculating soil water tensionsDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
statesDTMAXLargest time step for simulationsDOUBLE1--0.0
statesDTOLDPrevious time stepINTs---
statesDVSdevelopment stage of crop (from 0 to 2)DOUBLE10.0-0.0
statesDZThickness of soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesDZFNEUThickness of the subsurface flow layer as a multiple NZF of the thickness of the first soil layerDOUBLEm---
statesDZMDepth of the top layer assuming constant thickness of layersDOUBLEm---
statesETPACTInternal variable to calculate actual evapotransporation (m per second) as sum of TRAACT and EVAACT DOUBLEm/s---
statesETPPOTInternal variable for VETPOT (m per second), caution: if interception then ETPPOT=VEVPOT-Interception; DOUBLEm/s---
statesEVAACTActual evaporation from soil surface in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesEVAPOTInternal potential evaporation from the soil surface in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesFAVDaily vertical flux (FLV) from one soil layer to the adjacent soil layers divided by NTDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesFEUAverage volumetric water content in the subsurface flow layer (average over all elemnts within component layer)DOUBLEm3/m3---
statesFEUSVolumetric water content at saturation in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm3/m3---
statesFLVDaily vertical flux from one soil layer to the adjacent soil layersDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesHWater level (inundation depth) at the soil surface before each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesH1Water level (inundation depth) at the soil surface after each time step DOUBLEm---
statesHZWater level in the subsurface flow layer before each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesHZ1Water level in the subsurface flow layer after each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesIDTACTCode of the four possible time steps (DTX) as defined by the user in the control.xml file INT1---
statesINFTotal amount of water (INFMIK+INFMAK) infiltrating at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per second DOUBLEm/s---
statesINFEXInfiltration excess is the excess of net precipitation which can not infiltrate into the soil at the soil surface per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINFMAKAmount of water infiltrating into the macro-pores of the soil at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINFMIKAmount of water infiltrating into the pores in the soil matrix at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINTACTAmount of water in the interception pool at the beginning of each dayDOUBLEm---
statesINTENSRainfall intensity in m per dayDOUBLEm/d---
statesINTEVAPDirect evaporation of water from the interception pool (leaves and stems) per time step DTDOUBLEm/s---
statesLAILeaf area indexDOUBLEm2 m-2--0.0
statesMAEXMatrix excess (water which can not infiltrate from the macropores to the micropores) within the subsurface flow layer per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesMAINFInfiltration rate into the soil matrix within the subsurface flow layer (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesNDTtotal number of time steps DTXINT1---
statesNETRAINNet precipitation (rain minus interception) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesNSOILIndex numbers of a the soil layer (array starts with 0)INTARRAY1---
statesNTIs equal to 1 or a multiple of the actual time step (DTORG/DTACT)INT1---
statesNZDTMTotal number of soil layersINT1---
statesNZFNumber of soil layers in the interflow layerINT1---
statesNZRNumber of layers with rootsINT1---
statesOUTFLtemporary variable for outflow rate from one soil layer to the adjacent layerDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesPARSUMPhotosynthesis active radiation sumDOUBLEJ m-2--0.0
statesQOUTSurface run off (=matrix excess at the soil surface INFEX)DOUBLEm/s---
statesQOUTZSubsurface run off (outflow from of the subsurface flow layer=Matrix excess in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm/s---
statesRAINInternal amount of rainfall per time step in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesSINTEVDaily evaporation of water from the interception pool (leaves and stems)DOUBLEm---
statesSLASTRSum of last rainfall eventDOUBLEmm---
statesSUMIEXSum of infiltration excess at the soil surface per dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMINFSum of infitration at the soil surface per dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMINTAmount of water in the interception pool at the end of each dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMMEXMatrix excess within the subhsurface flow layer per day (sum of MAINF)DOUBLEm---
statesSUMMINInfiltration rate into the matrix of the subsurface flow layer per day (sum of MAEX)DOUBLEm---
statesSUMNETRDaily sum of net precipitation in mDOUBLEm---
statesSUMRAINDaily sum of rainfall in mDOUBLEm---
statesSUMTHEOAmount of water in a layer at start of simulation (temporary variable)DOUBLEmm---
statesTCurrent TimeINTs---
statesTHETACurrrent volumetric water content in a layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m30.00.65-
statesTHETA1Currrent volumetric water content in a layer (temporary variable)DOUBLEARRAYm3/m30.00.65-
statesTLASTRTime in seconds since last rainfall event occuredINTs---
statesTRAACSActual crop transpiration from a soil layer IZ in m per secondDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
statesTRAACTActual crop transpiration in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAACTSubActual crop transpiration from subsoil layers (defined as all soil layers below TopsoilDepth) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAACTTopActual crop transpiration from topsoil layers (defined by constant TopsoilDepth) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAPOTPotential crop transpiration in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTSUMThermal time degreeDOUBLE°Cd--0.0
statesVETPOTInternal reference crop evaporation according to Haude, Makkink or Monteith-Rijtma or input variable in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesVEVPOTPotential evaporation from the soil surface according to Belmans or Ritchie in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesWLVGDry weight of green leafDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
statesWRTDry weight of rootDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
statesWSODry weight of organDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
statesWSTDry weight of stemDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
raterDVRrate of phenological developmentDOUBLEd-1--0.0
raterPARInstantaneous flux of photosynthesis active radiationDOUBLEJ m-2 ground s-1--0.0
raterRLAIDaily change of LAIDOUBLEm 2 leaf m-2 ground d-1--0.0
raterRLERate change ofDOUBLE--0.0
raterRLPIRate change ofDOUBLE--0.0
raterRTSUMRate change of thermal time degreeDOUBLE°Cd--0.0
raterRWLVGDaily change of dry weight of leaf /Dry matter growth rate of leafDOUBLEkg ha-1 d-1--0.0
raterRWRTDaily change of dry weight of root /Dry matter growth rate of rootDOUBLEkg ha-1 d-1--0.0
raterRWSODaily change of dry weight of organ /Dry matter growth rate of organDOUBLEkg ha-1 d-1--0.0
raterRWSTDaily change of dry weight of stem /Dry matter growth rate of stemDOUBLEkg ha-1 d-1--0.0
outALBAlbedo, reflection coefficient for short-ware radiationDOUBLE--0.0
outALBSAlbedo, reflection coefficient for soil surfaceDOUBLE--0.0
outAMAXshadeLight saturated leaf photosynthetic of shaded leafDOUBLE g CO2 m-2 s-1--0.0
outAMAXsunLight saturated leaf photosynthetic of sunlit leafDOUBLE g CO2 m-2 s-1--0.0
outActualEvapotranspirationSum of ActualEvaporation and ActualTranspirationDOUBLEmm---
outActualSoilEvaporationActual soil evaporation as affected by potential evporation and soil mositure in the upper soil layersDOUBLEmm---
outActualSoilEvaporationDiurnalDiurnal Actual soil evaporation as affected by potential evporation and soil mositure in the upper soil layersDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outActualTranspirationActual crop transpiration as affected by crop water demand and crop available soil waterDOUBLEmm---
outActualTranspirationDiurnalDiurnal Actual crop transpiration as affected by crop water demand and crop available soil waterDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outActualTranspirationSubsoilActual crop transpiration from subsoil layersDOUBLEmm---
outActualTranspirationTopsoilActual crop transpiration from topsoil layersDOUBLEmm---
outAnthesisDOYDOY of AnthesisINT11366-
outAnthesisDateDate of AnthesisDATE1---
outBBRADBlack body radiationDOUBLEJ m-2 s-1--0.0
outBottomFlowDaily amount of deep percolation below the profile depth (equal to FLUXU)DOUBLEmm---
outCDSF1Cummulative stress factorDOUBLE--0.0
outCO2IshadeCO2 concentration of shaded leafDOUBLE?mol CO2 m-2 s-1--0.0
outCO2IsunCO2 concentration of sunlit leafDOUBLE?mol CO2 m-2 s-1--0.0
outCROPHTCrop heightDOUBLE--0.0
outDAEDay after emergencyINTd--0
outDAVTMPDaily average temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
outDLAIDeath rate of leaf areaDOUBLEm 2 leaf m-2 ground d-1--0.0
outDLVDeath rate of leafDOUBLEg leaf m-2 ground d-1--0.0
outDSF1Stress factorDOUBLE--0.0
outDTEFFDaily effective temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
outDTGADaily total gross CO2 asimilation of the cropDOUBLEg CO2 m-2 ground d-1--0.0
outDTRDaily solar radiation =RDD*MODDRTDOUBLEJ m-2 d-1--0.0
outDrynessFactorDryness factor in each layer (input to SlimRoots)DOUBLEARRAY1---
outEFFshadeQuantum yield of shaded leafDOUBLEg CO2 MJ-1--0.0
outEFFsunQuantum yield of sunlit leafDOUBLEg CO2 MJ-1--0.0
outEMERGParameter to indicate the emergencyINT--0
outEmergenceDOYDOY of EmergenceINT11366-
outEmergenceDateDate of EmergenceDATE1---
outFCLEARSky clearness function in calculation of net long-wave radiationDOUBLE--0.0
outFLUXUDaily amount of deep percolation below the profile depthDOUBLE1---
outFSLLAFration of sunlit leaf areaDOUBLE_--0.0
outGLAINet growth rate of leaf area indexDOUBLEm-2 leaf m-2 ground d-1--0.0
outGLVDry matter of growth rate of leavesDOUBLEg DM m-2 ground d-1--0.0
outGSshadeH2OStomatal resistance shaded leaf to H2ODOUBLE--0.0
outGSsunH2OStomatal resistance sunlit leaf to H2ODOUBLEm s-1--0.0
outGTOTALDaily total gross CH2O assimilation of the cropDOUBLEg CH2O m-2 ground d-1--0.0
outHasEmergedhas emergedBOOLEAN1--false
outHasFloweredhas floweredBOOLEAN1--false
outHasMaturedis matureBOOLEAN1--false
outInfiltrationDaily amount of infiltrated water at the soil surface (mm)DOUBLEmm---
outIsAnthesistrue if Anthesis dateBOOLEAN1--false
outIsEmergencetrue if Emergence dateBOOLEAN1--false
outIsMaturitytrue if maturity dateBOOLEAN1--false
outLayerFlowDaily vertical flow from a soil layer into the adjacent soil layersDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outLessMobileWaterTotal amount of less mobile water (WR-WHT15R) in each layer (only used for solute transport) (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outMaturityDOYDOY of MaturityINT11366-
outMaturityDateDate of MaturityDATE1---
outMobileWaterDaily amount of mobile water (WM) in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outPCEDWpartitioning fraction to storage organs?DOUBLE--0.0
outPCLDWpartitioning fraction to leaves?DOUBLE--0.0
outPCRDWpartitioning fraction to roots?DOUBLE--0.0
outPCSDWpartitioning fraction to stems?DOUBLE--0.0
outPHEADWWeight of shoot at emergence and anthesisDOUBLEARRAYkg ha-1---
outPHEDAEdays of emergence and anthesisINTARRAY-- 0 0 0
outPotentialSoilEvaporationPotential soil evaporation (provided by other SimComponents e.g.
outPotentialSoilEvaporationDiurnalDiurnal Potential soil evaporation (provided by other SimComponents e.g.
outPotentialTranspirationPotential crop transpiration (provided by other SimComponents e.g.
outPotentialTranspirationDiurnalDiurnal Potential crop transpiration (provided by other SimComponents e.g.
outPsiLeafLeaf water potential (pressure head of leaf) (hourly)DOUBLEARRAYm---
outPsiLeafQuotientDiurnal(psi_leaf-psi_trh)/(0 - psi_trh) (hourly)DOUBLEARRAYm---
outPsiRootSoil to root water potential (pressure head of root) (hourly)DOUBLEARRAYm---
outQOMAXDaily maximum surface run off rateDOUBLEmm/s---
outQOSUMDaily amount of surface run off in mmDOUBLEmm---
outQZMAXDaily maximum subsurface run off rateDOUBLEmm/s---
outQZSUMDaily amount of subsurface run off in mmDOUBLEmm---
outRAINoutDaily precipitationDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
outRDDDaily global radiationDOUBLEJ m-2 d-1--0.0
outRDRSHRelative death rate due to self-shading at high LAIDOUBLEd-1---
outRetainedWaterDaily amount of retained water (WR) in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outRootWaterUptakePerLayerRoot water uptake per layer (daily)DOUBLEARRAYmm/d---
outSLASpecific leaf areaDOUBLEm-2 leaf g-1 leaf--0.0
outSUETACActual evapotranspiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualEvapotranspiration') DOUBLEmm---
outSUETPOPotential Evapotranspiration in mm per day DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVACActual soil evaporation in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualSoilEvaporation')DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVPOPotential soil evaporation in mm day (equal to SimVariable 'PotentialSoilEvaporation')DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVREActual evaporation in mm per day after reduction due to low soil water content in topsoil layer (only applicable when open pan evapioration is used ?)DOUBLEmm---
outSUTRACActual crop transpiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualTranspiration')DOUBLEmm---
outSUTRPOPotential crop transpiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'PotentialTranspiration')DOUBLEmm---
outSUTTREActual transpiration in mm per day after reduction due to low soil water content in individual layers (only applicable when open pan evapioration is used ?)DOUBLEmm---
outSWITCHphenology stageINT--0
outSubsurfaceFlowDaily amouont of subsurface run off (equal to QZSUM)DOUBLEmm---
outSurfaceFlowDaily amount of surface run off in mm (equal to QOSUM)DOUBLEmm---
outTFACTemperature factorDOUBLE--0.0
outTMMNDaily minimum temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
outTMMXDaily maximum temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
outTRANRFDiurnalTranrf (Act/Pot) (hourly)DOUBLEARRAYm---
outTSUMendEnd temperature sum DOUBLE°C day--0.0
outTTANTHThermal time to anthesisDOUBLE°Cd--0.0
outTTMATThermal time to maturityDOUBLE°Cd--0.0
outTotalAvailWaterSum of mobile and retained water in each layer (Soil available water)(mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outTotalAvailWaterVolumetricVolumetric water content equivalent for the sum of mobile and retained water in each layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outTotalWaterTotal water content in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outTotalWaterInProfileTotal water content over all soil layers (mm)DOUBLEmm---
outTotalWaterInProfileVolumetricAverage cvolumetric water content over all layers in the soil profileDOUBLEm3/m3---
outTotalWaterVolumetricVolumetric total water content in each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outVPActual vapour pressureDOUBLEKpa--0.0
outVPDVapor pressure deficit of the airDOUBLEkPa--0.0
outWFRAmount of less mobile water in each layer not available for upward movement of solutes or water (see explanation and use in SlimNitrogen)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWHT15RRetained water below 0.5*wilting point in each layer not available for movement of solutesDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWNWind speedDOUBLEm s-1---
outWR33Amount of retained water in finer pores of each layer available for upward movement of solutes or water (see explanation and use in SlimNitrogen)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWRHRetained water at field capacity in each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWSHOOTweight of shootDOUBLEkg ha-1--0.0
outWithCropcrop is presentBOOLEAN1--false

public class HillFlow1DLintulCCDiurnalPsiLeaf extends
net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public HillFlow1DLintulCCDiurnalPsiLeaf();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent
public void initLintulCC();

public void initVariablesLintulCC();

public void et();

public HashMap calculate_et0(int J, double hour, double latitude, double z,
double L_z, double L_m, double DAYLEN, double Temperature, double R_s,
double WIND, double tCROPHT, double e_a, double RScropH2O, double PsiC,
double albedo);

public void assimilate();

public void twpaw();

public HashMap calculate_twpaw(double CROPHT, Double[] WCFC, Double[] WCWP,
Double[] LayerDepth, double VAP, double WIND, boolean IRRIG, double
ONRAD, double SLOPE, double SVAP, double PsiC, Double[] RLV, Double[] WC);

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
protected void process(); // Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - HillFlow1DLintulCCDiurnalPsiLeaf