This class serves as replacement for the JOptionpane.
public final class FWMessageDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog implements
java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.lang.Runnable {
// Constants
public static final Icon INFO_ICON;
public static final Icon QUESTION_ICON;
public static final Icon CONFIRM_ICON;
public static final Icon WARNING_ICON;
public static final Icon EXCEPTION_ICON;
public static final Icon PROGRESS_ICON;
public static final String QUESTION_TITLE;
public static final String WARNING_TITLE;
public static final String PROGRESS_TITLE;
public static final int QUESTION_YES;
public static final int QUESTION_NO;
public static final int QUESTION_CANCEL;
public static final int CONFIRM_OK;
public static final int CONFIRM_CANCEL;
public static final int QUESTION_MESSAGE;
public static final int INFO_MESSAGE;
public static final int SEND_EMAIL;
public static final int FILE_CHOOSER_MULTISELECT;
public static final int FILE_CHOOSER_SELECT;
public static final int FILE_CHOOSER_DIR;
public static final int FILE_CHOOSER_EXISTING;
// Class Methods public static int
showOptionPaneDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage,
String aTitle, int aIconType, int aButtonType);
- aParent
- aMessage
- aTitle
- aIconType
- aButtonType
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showCustomDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, Icon aIcon,
String aMessage, String[] aButtonCaptions);
Shows a dialog with the custom settings.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aIcon
- aMessage
- aButtonCaptions
returns index of the clicked Button
public static int
showCustomDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, Icon aIcon,
String aMessage, int aDefaultButtonIndex);
Shows a dialog with the custom settings.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aIcon
- aMessage
- aDefaultButtonIndex
returns index of the clicked Button
public static void
showInfoDialog(Window aParent, String aInfo);
Shows a simple infopanel.
public static void
showInfoDialog(Window aParent, String aInfo, String
Shows a simple infopanel.
public static void
showAutodisposeInfoDialog(Window aParent, String aInfo,
int aAutodisposeWaitingTime);
Shows a simple infopanel.
- aParent
- aInfo
- aAutodisposeWaitingTime
public static void
showInfoDialog(Window aParent, String aInfo, int
aAutodisposeWaitingTime, String aMessageID);
Shows a simple infopanel.
- aParent
- aInfo
- aAutodisposeWaitingTime
- aMessageID
public static String
showInputDialogWithoutCancelButton(Window aParent,
String aTitle, String aInfo);
Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String
showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String
showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, Icon aIcon);
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aIcon
returns the input dialog result
public static String
showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, boolean aPasswordField);
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aPasswordField
returns the input dialog result
public static String
showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, String aDefaultValue);
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aDefaultValue
returns the input dialog result
public static String
showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, String aDefaultValue, boolean aPasswordField);
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aDefaultValue
- aPasswordField
returns the input dialog result
public static String
showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, String aDefaultValue, boolean aPasswordField, boolean
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aDefaultValue
- aPasswordField
- aShowCancelButton
returns the input dialog result
public static String
showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, String aDefaultValue, boolean aPasswordField, boolean
aShowCancelButton, Icon aIcon);
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aDefaultValue
- aPasswordField
- aShowCancelButton
- aIcon
returns the input dialog result
public static String
showFileChooserDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle,
String aInfo, String aDefaultValue, Integer aFileChooserOption);
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aDefaultValue
- aFileChooserOption
returns the input dialog result
public static Object
showChooserDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, Collection aValueCollection);
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aValueCollection
returns the input dialog result
public static Object
showChooserDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, Collection aValueCollection, Object aDefaultValue);
Shows a simple input panel.
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aValueCollection
- aDefaultValue
returns the input dialog result
public static Object[]
showDoubleChooserDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle,
String aInfo, Collection aSourceValueCollection, Collection
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aSourceValueCollection
- aTargetValueCollection
returns the 2 selected values or null if cancel was pressed
public static int
showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aQuestion,
boolean aShowCancel);
Shows a dialog, which asks the user to press either yes, no and perhaps cancel.
- aParent
- aQuestion
- aShowCancel
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aQuestion,
boolean aShowCancel, int aDefaultButtonIndex);
Shows a dialog, whichs ask the user to press either yes, no and perhaps cancel.
- aParent
- aQuestion
- aShowCancel
- aDefaultButtonIndex
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showOptionDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage, String[]
aOptions, int aMessageType);
Shows a dialog, which asks the user to press either yes, no and perhaps cancel.
- aParent
- aMessage
- aOptions
- aMessageType
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static
FWObservable showFormDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle,
String aInfo, Element aFormElement,
FWObservable aObservable, boolean
- aParent
- aTitle
- aInfo
- aFormElement
- aObservable
- aShowCancelButton
returns the given Observable
public static int
showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aLocaleBundle,
String aLocaleKey, boolean aShowCancel);
Shows a dialog, which asks the user to press either yes, no and perhaps cancel.
- aParent
- aLocaleBundle
- aLocaleKey
- aShowCancel
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage);
Shows a dialog, whichs ask the user to press either yes, no.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aLocaleBundle,
String aLocaleKey);
Shows a dialog, whichs ask the user to press either yes, no.
- aParent
- aLocaleBundle
- aLocaleKey
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showConfirmDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage);
Shows a dialog which asks the user to either confirm or break a process;
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showConfirmDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage, String
Shows a dialog which asks the user to either confirm or break a process;
- aParent
- aMessage
- aMessageID
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showWarningQuestion(Window aParent, String aQuestion);
Shows a dialog which asks the user with warning him/her of the importance.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int
showWarningQuestion(Window aParent, String aQuestion, int
Shows a dialog which asks the user with warning him/her of the importance.
- aParent The parent window
- aQuestion Question to pose
- aDefaultButtonIndex 1=NO , 0=YES, -1=DefaultSettings
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static void
showWarningDialog(Window aParent, String aWarning,
Throwable aThrowable);
Shows a dialog which warns user of a minor Throwable.
- aParent
- aWarning
- aThrowable
public static void
showWarningDialog(Window aParent, String aWarning, String
aMessageID, Throwable aThrowable);
Shows a dialog which warns user of a minor Throwable.
- aParent
- aWarning
- aMessageID
- aThrowable
public static void
showWarningDialog(Window aParent, String aWarning);
Shows a dialog which warns user of something.
public static void
showWarningDialog(Window aParent, String aLocaleBundle,
String aLocaleKey);
Shows a dialog which warns user of something.
- aParent
- aLocaleBundle
- aLocaleKey
public static void
showExceptionDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage,
Throwable aThrowable);
Shows a dialog, which warns the user, that a Throwable has happened.
- aParent
- aMessage
- aThrowable
public static int
showEmailExceptionDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage,
Throwable aThrowable);
Shows a dialog, which warns the user, that a Throwable has happened and also the
Email functionality button. This should be used if a functionality is implemented for
email sending.
- aParent
- aMessage
- aThrowable
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static void
showExceptionDialog(Window aParent, String aLocaleBundle,
String aLocaleKey, Throwable aThrowable);
Shows a dialog, which warns the user, that a Throwable has happened.
- aParent
- aLocaleBundle
- aLocaleKey
- aThrowable
public static void
showMessage(Window aWindow,
FWMessage aMessage);
Displays the given
// Public Instance Methods public void pack(); // Overrides java.awt.Window
Overrides java.awt.Window to recognize minimum-size.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aActionEvent);
// From java.awt.event.ActionListener
Is called after one of the button is pressed.
public void run(); // From java.lang.Runnable
Waits the autodispose time and closes the dialog, if it isn`t closed manually in the given time.
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - java.awt.Window (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - java.awt.Dialog - javax.swing.JDialog (javax.swing.WindowConstants, javax.accessibility.Accessible, javax.swing.RootPaneContainer, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - FWMessageDialog (java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.lang.Runnable)