
A PDF Viewer application that integrates with the Meeting Central project.

public class FWPDFViewer extends javax.swing.JPanel implements
java.awt.event.KeyListener, com.sun.pdfview.PageChangeListener {
// Public Constructors
public FWPDFViewer(boolean useThumbs);

// Public Instance Methods
public void gotoPage(int pagenum); // From

Changes the displayed page, desyncing if we're not on the same page as a presenter.
public void forceGotoPage(int pagenum);

Changes the displayed page.
public void setEnabling();

Enable or disable all of the actions based on the current state.
public void openFile(File file) throws IOException;

Open a specific pdf file. Creates a DocumentInfo from the file, and opens that.
public void openError(String message);

Display a dialog indicating an error.
public void doOpen();

Ask the user for a PDF file to open from the local file system
public void doOpen(String name);

Open a local file, given a string filename
public void doPageSetup();

Posts the Page Setup dialog
public void doPrint();

Print the current document.
public void doZoomTool();

Turns on zooming
public void doFitInWindow();

Turns off zooming; makes the page fit in the window
public void doThumbs(boolean show);

Shows or hides the thumbnails by moving the split pane divider
public void doZoom(double factor);

public void doNext();

Goes to the next page
public void doPrev();

Goes to the previous page
public void doFirst();

Goes to the first page
public void doLast();

Goes to the last page
public void doPageTyped();

Goes to the page that was typed in the page number text field
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt); // From java.awt.event.KeyListener

Handle a key press for navigation
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent evt); // From java.awt.event.KeyListener

public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt); // From java.awt.event.KeyListener

gets key presses and tries to build a page if they're numeric

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init();

Initialize this PDFViewer by creating the GUI.


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - FWPDFViewer (java.awt.event.KeyListener, com.sun.pdfview.PageChangeListener)