
unzips a ${sourcezipfile} taken from the class path to ${targetdir}.
Parameter Description
sourcezipfile Path to the sourcezipfile
targetdir Path to directory to place the unpacked files in.
folderversion (optional) if used the folderversion of available unzipped files are used. - if folderversion is same - nothing to do (1.0 = 1.0) - if folderversion is same main but different subversion - user is asked (1.0 != 1.1) - if folderversion is other main folder is unpacked again without request. - if no folderversion was given before folderversion ist treated as to be 0.

public final class UnzipFolderProcessor extends
net.simplace.pipe.control.FWProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public UnzipFolderProcessor();

// Public Instance Methods
public boolean process() throws PipeLineException; // Defines

Must be overidden to implemnt concrete pipe procedure.

// Protected Instance Methods
protected boolean checkInParameterMap(); // Defines


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.pipe.control.FWProcessor - UnzipFolderProcessor