Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times. The number of loops
is given by the central value (see parameterfilter). Loops are separated by default
(${separateLoops} (TRUE|FALSE)). For non separated loops all parameter values created in the
pipeline process are written to parameter map.
Within the looped pipeline you can finde the total run count ${runCount} and the run count ${Count}
This looping processor takes the parameter map and checks for the regex to check the given parameter
keys, if it should be looped in the given
pipeline. Additionally to Count and runCount you can find the actual looplistentry in
parametername: "${PipeID}.loop",
further parameter: ${startIndex} gives the first index of ${Count}-Parameter in looping pipeline.
public final class LoopParameterProcessor extends net.simplace.pipe.control.FWLoopProcessor { // Public Constructors public LoopParameterProcessor(); // Public Instance Methods