
This processor performs SQL-Statements on two existing Databases to copy the content of one table
Parameter Description
db_conn_source JDBC sonnection of source database from Pipeline.
db_conn_target JDBC sonnection of target database from Pipeline.
table_name Tablename of source table in source database.
target_table_name (optional) Tablename of target table in target database. If not given same name is used

public class CopyTableProcessor extends net.simplace.pipe.control.FWProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public CopyTableProcessor();

// Public Instance Methods
public boolean checkInParameterMap(); // Defines

Checks whether the in-channel contains all required parameters.

// Protected Instance Methods
protected boolean process() throws PipeLineException; // Defines


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.pipe.control.FWProcessor - CopyTableProcessor