public static ChartPanel
JFreeChartHelper.FuzzyType aType,
Integer aX1, Integer aX2, Integer aX3, Integer aX4, String aAxisLabelX);
- aType
- aX1
- aX2
- aX3
- aX4
- aAxisLabelX
returns ChartPanel
public static CategoryDataset
createCatagoryDataset(Comparable[] category,
Comparable[] dataDesc, Object[][] data);
Creates a from an Array of numbers
- category (horizontal) categories of the data (if {@code null} the array indices are used)
- dataDesc descriptions of the data rows (if {@code null} the array indices are used)
- data the series
returns public static CategoryDataset
createCatagoryDataset(double catOffset, double
catFactor, Comparable[] dataDesc, Object[][] data);
Creates a from an Array of numbers. The categories are generated
automatically from the array indices: category = catOffset + idx*catFactor
- catOffset Offset added to the data arrays index
- catFactor Factor the data arrays index is multiplied with
- dataDesc descriptions of the data rows (if {@code null} the array indices are used)
- data the series