Aggregates values of several soil layers up to the user-specified maximal soil depth.
It can compute the sum for absolute values (e.g. N content in g/m^2).
It can compute the avg for relative values (as volumetric water content m^3/m^3).
- method - aggregation method (currently only sum and avg are supported)
- depthfieldname - name of the field, that contains the depth \(d_i\) (lower boundary) of each layer
- maxdepthfield - optional: name of the field, that contains the maximum depth \(m\), up to which values should be aggregated
Calculation details
The transformer transforms all DOUBLEARRAY entries of the original resource and outputs the
resulting doubles in the same order. The aggregation method is applied to all entries, it is
not possible to define methods per entry.
The layer thickness d is calculated as \(t_0=d_0\) and \(t_i = d_{i}-d_{i-1}\) for \(i>0\)
As user-specified maxdepth can be smaller than the soil profile depth, for each layer the remaining depth is
calculated \(r_i = max(m-d_{i-1},0)\), which is zero if the actual layer is completely below
maxdepth. If maxdepthfieldid is omitted, then all layers are aggregated.
Sum of absolute values
Values from all layers, that are above maxdepth are summed up.
From the layer that contains maxdepth, only the fraction from the
upper boundary to maxdepth is summed up.
\[\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}V_i \frac{min(t_i,r_i)}{t_i}\]
Average of relative values
Average values over the layers that are above maxdepth are computed by multiplying relative
values with layer thickness d. From the layer that contains maxdepth,
only the fraction from the upper boundary to maxdepth is used as weighing factor.
Then the sum is divided by maxdepth m (or the total depth, if maxdepth m exceeds the soil profile depth).
\[\frac{\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}V_i min(t_i,r_i)}{min(m,d_{n-1})}\]
The transformer is used by soilwater models that need soil properties per layer as well
as aggregated properties for a specific depth, that contains multiple layers, e.g.
The transformer is mainly designed for layered soil properties, but can be used also for
other layered data that has a kind of 'depth' information (e.g. air temperature at different
It transforms all numeric arrays of the resource and outputs them in the same order as they
are specified in the resource. Non-array data in the resource is omitted in the transformer (except the keys).
public class LayerAggregationTransformer extends {
// Public Constructors
public LayerAggregationTransformer(FWSimSession aSession, Element
aResourceElement, Integer aOrderNumber);
public LayerAggregationTransformer(FWSimSession aSession, Integer
// Public Instance Methods public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines
public FWSimResourceCache getData(FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
throws MissingSimResourceException; // Defines
standard method from outside
public FWSimResourceCache
getData(FWSimVarMap aVarMap, FWSimResourceCache
aResourceCache) throws MissingSimResourceException;
used by test cases
- aVarMap
variable map
- aResourceCache
Cached resources (soil data)
returns delivered new data from transformer
public FWSimResourceCache
calculateAggregatedData(FWSimVariable aDepthField,
FWSimVariable aMaxdepthField, FWSimVariable aMethod, String aProjectID,
FWSimResourceCache aCache) throws MissingSimResourceException;
- aIdname
- aDepthField
- aMaxdepthField
- aMethod
- aProjectID
- aCache
returns the transformed resource cache
public void updateFields(FWObservable aObservable);
// Defines
// Protected Instance Methods protected Object[]
MergeKeysAndValues(int aKeyFieldCount, Object aKeys,
Object[] aValues);
- aKeyFieldCount
- aKeys
- aValues
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - (net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - - - LayerAggregationTransformer