
Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcBELMANSIf true, Potential Soil Evaporation according to BELMANS is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcBINTDrainage parameter b for calculation interception by RUTTER (0 if unknown)DOUBLE1--0.0
constantcDIREKTIf true, ETP estimations from an external input file are usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcDSTODrainage rate when interception capacity (INTMAX) is exceeded (required to calculate interception according to RUTTER, 0 if unknown)DOUBLEmm/s--0.0
constantcDTXArray of time intervals (event dependent time interval)INTARRAYs---
constantcDZF Depth of the soil layer where lateral subsurface flow occursDOUBLEm--0.0
constantcFEURThetaR (residual soil water content after drying) in the subsurface flow layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEcubic_metre_per_cubic_metre---
constantcGALPHAParameter alfa in the subsurface flow layer for the vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEreciprocal_metre---
constantcGenAlfaParameter alfa for each soil layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEARRAYm-1---
constantcGenDeltaThetaResolution of theta for pre-calculating and storing the vanGenuchten valuesDOUBLEcubic_metre_per_cubic_metre--0.01
constantcGenNParameter n for each soil layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcGenThetaRThetaR (residual soil water content after drying) for each soil layer for vanGenuchtens equationDOUBLEARRAYcubic_metre_per_cubic_metre---
constantcHAUDEIf true, Reference ET according to HAUDE is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcHLIM3HThreshold of soil-water tension for crop transpiration reduction at hight transpirationDOUBLEm---
constantcHLIM3LThreshold of soil-water tension for crop transpiration reduction at low transpirationDOUBLEm---
constantcHLIM4Threshold of soil-water tension for crop transpiration reduction to be 0 (no crop available water)DOUBLEm---150.0
constantcHOMAXlimit at which infiltration surplus runs offDOUBLEmm/h---
constantcHZMAXlimit at which subsurface flow occursDOUBLEmm---
constantcIBUSwitch for lower soil boundary: 0=no flow, 1=constant, 2=free flow INT1---
constantcINTMAXmaximum interception capacity of the vegetation in mmDOUBLEmm--0.0
constantcIQOSwitch for infiltration surplus method: 0=complete runoff, 1=no runoff, 2=runoff up to QOCONST, 3=runoff if greater than HOMAXINT1---
constantcIQZSwitch for subsurface flow method: 0=complete runoff, 1=no runoff, 2=runoff up to QZCONST, 3=runoff if greater than HZMAXINT1---
constantcIROOTswitch for distribution of roots per layer: 1=uniform(FEDDES), 2=triangle(PRADAS), 3=trapez(VGENUCHTEN), 4=as input from other moduleINT1---
constantcIZVARYSwitch whether soil layer thickness is considered to be Constant(=0) or variable(=1)INT1--0
constantcKSATSaturated hydraulic conductivity for each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
constantcKcompCompensatory hydraulic conductivity DOUBLEd-1--2.0E-6
constantcKrsHydraulic conductance from soil to leafDOUBLEd-18.0E-66.0E-58.0E-6
constantcLABIZEPTswitch for interception calculation: 0=no interception, 1=constant interception, 2=Rutter-modelINT1--0
constantcLayerDepthDepth of the bottom of each soil layer after soil layer transformationDOUBLEARRAYm---
constantcMAKKINKIf true, Reference ET according to MAKKINK is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMESSUNGIf true, Reference ET is approximated from measurements of potential evapotranspiration in an external input fileBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMONTEITHIf true, Reference ET according to MONTEITH is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMinimalTimeStepMinimal time step for calculation of vertical water flows in the soil matrixDOUBLEs1.0E-53600.00.1
constantcNGENUParameter n in the subsurface flow layer for the vanGenuchten equationDOUBLE1---
constantcPsiLeafThresholdThreshold of leaf water potential (specific for plant)DOUBLEm-200.0-150.0-160.0
constantcQOCONSTmaximum of runoffDOUBLEmm/h---
constantcQZCONSTmaximum of subsurface flowDOUBLEmm---
constantcRITCHIEIf true, Potential Soil Evaporation according to RITCHIE is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcRainIntervalTime intervall between precipitation measurements in secondsINTs---
constantcTHETAOInitial volumetric water contentDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcTHETASVolumetric water content at saturation for each layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcTHETBUInitial volumetric water content at the bottomDOUBLEm3/m3---
constantcTopsoilDepthdepth of topsoilDOUBLEm--0.9
constantcVMAMacropore volume in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm3/m3---
constantcWaterUptakeMethodWhich method to use (Feddes (default), Couvreur)CHAR--
inputiActualPrecipitationHeightactual precipitation heightDOUBLEARRAYmm---
inputiActualPrecipitationTimetime in seconds of day when the precipitation is measured INTARRAYs---
inputiBBGsoil cover rate with plants (calculating interception by RUTTER)DOUBLE1---
inputiDoInitializeif true component will be reset to initial stateBOOLEAN1--false
inputiFACPLplant factor for calculating evapotranspiration by MAKKINK or HAUDEDOUBLE1---
inputiLAILeaf area indexDOUBLE1---
inputiLplplant height in cmDOUBLEcm---
inputiOpenPanEvaporationMeasured open pan evapotranspirationDOUBLE1---
inputiPHIrelative humidityDOUBLE1---
inputiReferenceCropEvapotranspirationReference Evapotranspiration per dayDOUBLEmm---
inputiRelativeRootLengthPerLayerrelative root length per layerDOUBLEARRAY10.01.0-
inputiRgglobal solar radiationDOUBLEW/m2---
inputiRnnet solar radiation in W/m**2DOUBLEW/m2---
inputiRootRestrictionFactorroot restriction factor due to root density and agingDOUBLEARRAYm0.020.0-
inputiTEMPair temperatureDOUBLE°C---
inputiWIND2wind speed at 2m heightDOUBLEm/s---
inputiZROOTDepth of roots in mDOUBLEm---
statesDMFDepth of the soil layer where lateral subsurface flow occursDOUBLEm---
statesDRYDAYNumber of days without rainINT1---
statesDTCurrent time stepINTs---
statesDTHResolution of theta for calculating soil water tensionsDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
statesDTMAXLargest time step for simulationsDOUBLE1--0.0
statesDTOLDPrevious time stepINTs---
statesDZThickness of soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesDZFNEUThickness of the subsurface flow layer as a multiple NZF of the thickness of the first soil layerDOUBLEm---
statesDZMDepth of the top layer assuming constant thickness of layersDOUBLEm---
statesETPACTInternal variable to calculate actual evapotransporation (m per second) as sum of TRAACT and EVAACT DOUBLEm/s---
statesETPPOTInternal variable for VETPOT (m per second), caution: if interception then ETPPOT=VEVPOT-Interception; DOUBLEm/s---
statesEVAACTActual evaporation from soil surface in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesEVAPOTInternal potential evaporation from the soil surface in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesFAVDaily vertical flux (FLV) from one soil layer to the adjacent soil layers divided by NTDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesFEUAverage volumetric water content in the subsurface flow layer (average over all elemnts within this layer)DOUBLEm3/m3---
statesFEUSVolumetric water content at saturation in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm3/m3---
statesFLVDaily vertical flux from one soil layer to the adjacent soil layersDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesHWater level (inundation depth) at the soil surface before each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesH1Water level (inundation depth) at the soil surface after each time step DOUBLEm---
statesHZWater level in the subsurface flow layer before each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesHZ1Water level in the subsurface flow layer after each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesIDTACTCode of the four possible time steps (DTX) as defined by the user in the control.xml file INT1---
statesINFTotal amount of water (INFMIK+INFMAK) infiltrating at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per second DOUBLEm/s---
statesINFEXInfiltration excess is the excess of net precipitation which can not infiltrate into the soil at the soil surface per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINFMAKAmount of water infiltrating into the macro-pores of the soil at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINFMIKAmount of water infiltrating into the pores in the soil matrix at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINTACTAmount of water in the interception pool at the beginning of each dayDOUBLEm---
statesINTENSRainfall intensity in m per dayDOUBLEm/d---
statesINTEVAPDirect evaporation of water from the interception pool (leaves and stems) per time step DTDOUBLEm/s---
statesMAEXMatrix excess (water which can not infiltrate from the macropores to the micropores) within the subsurface flow layer per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesMAINFInfiltration rate into the soil matrix within the subsurface flow layer (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesNDTtotal number of time steps DTXINT1---
statesNETRAINNet precipitation (rain minus interception) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesNSOILIndex numbers of a the soil layer (array starts with 0)INTARRAY1---
statesNTIs equal to 1 or a multiple of the actual time step (DTORG/DTACT)INT1---
statesNZDTMTotal number of soil layersINT1---
statesNZFNumber of soil layers in the interflow layerINT1---
statesNZRNumber of layers with rootsINT1---
statesOUTFLtemporary variable for outflow rate from one soil layer to the adjacent layerDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesQOUTSurface run off (=matrix excess at the soil surface INFEX)DOUBLEm/s---
statesQOUTZSubsurface run off (outflow from of the subsurface flow layer=Matrix excess in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm/s---
statesRAINInternal amount of rainfall per time step in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesSINTEVDaily evaporation of water from the interception pool (leaves and stems)DOUBLEm---
statesSLASTRSum of last rainfall eventDOUBLEmm---
statesSUMIEXSum of infiltration excess at the soil surface per dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMINFSum of infitration at the soil surface per dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMINTAmount of water in the interception pool at the end of each dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMMEXMatrix excess within the subhsurface flow layer per day (sum of MAINF)DOUBLEm---
statesSUMMINInfiltration rate into the matrix of the subsurface flow layer per day (sum of MAEX)DOUBLEm---
statesSUMNETRDaily sum of net precipitation in mDOUBLEm---
statesSUMRAINDaily sum of rainfall in mDOUBLEm---
statesSUMTHEOAmount of water in a layer at start of simulation (temporary variable)DOUBLEmm---
statesTCurrent TimeINTs---
statesTHETACurrrent volumetric water content in a layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m30.00.65-
statesTHETA1Currrent volumetric water content in a layer (temporary variable)DOUBLEARRAYm3/m30.00.65-
statesTLASTRTime in seconds since last rainfall event occuredINTs---
statesTRAACSActual crop transpiration from a soil layer IZ in m per secondDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
statesTRAACTActual crop transpiration in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAACTSubActual crop transpiration from subsoil layers (defined as all soil layers below TopsoilDepth) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAACTTopActual crop transpiration from topsoil layers (defined by constant TopsoilDepth) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAPOTPotential crop transpiration in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesVETPOTInternal reference crop evaporation according to Haude, Makkink or Monteith-Rijtma or input variable in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesVEVPOTPotential evaporation from the soil surface according to Belmans or Ritchie in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
outActualEvapotranspirationSum of ActualEvaporation and ActualTranspirationDOUBLEmm---
outActualSoilEvaporationActual soil evaporation as affected by potential evporation and soil mositure in the upper soil layersDOUBLEmm---
outActualTranspirationActual crop transpiration as affected by crop water demand and crop available soil waterDOUBLEmm---
outActualTranspirationSubsoilActual crop transpiration from subsoil layersDOUBLEmm---
outActualTranspirationTopsoilActual crop transpiration from topsoil layersDOUBLEmm---
outBottomFlowDaily amount of deep percolation below the profile depth (equal to FLUXU)DOUBLEmm---
outDrynessFactorDryness factor in each layer (input to SlimRoots)DOUBLEARRAY1---
outFLUXUDaily amount of deep percolation below the profile depthDOUBLE1---
outInfiltrationDaily amount of infiltrated water at the soil surface (mm)DOUBLEmm---
outLayerFlowDaily vertical flow from a soil layer into the adjacent soil layersDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outLessMobileWaterTotal amount of less mobile water (WR-WHT15R) in each layer (only used for solute transport) (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outMobileWaterDaily amount of mobile water (WM) in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outPotentialSoilEvaporationPotential soil evaporation (provided by other SimComponents e.g.
outPotentialTranspirationPotential crop transpiration (provided by other SimComponents e.g.
outPsiLeafLeaf water potential (pressure head of leaf) (hourly)DOUBLEARRAYm---
outPsiRootSoil to root water potential (pressure head of root) (hourly)DOUBLEARRAYm---
outQOMAXDaily maximum surface run off rateDOUBLEmm/s---
outQOSUMDaily amount of surface run off in mmDOUBLEmm---
outQZMAXDaily maximum subsurface run off rateDOUBLEmm/s---
outQZSUMDaily amount of subsurface run off in mmDOUBLEmm---
outRetainedWaterDaily amount of retained water (WR) in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outRootWaterUptakePerLayerRoot water uptake per layer (daily)DOUBLEARRAYmm/d---
outSUETACActual evapotranspiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualEvapotranspiration') DOUBLEmm---
outSUETPOPotential Evapotranspiration in mm per day DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVACActual soil evaporation in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualSoilEvaporation')DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVPOPotential soil evaporation in mm day (equal to SimVariable 'PotentialSoilEvaporation')DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVREActual evaporation in mm per day after reduction due to low soil water content in topsoil layer (only applicable when open pan evapioration is used ?)DOUBLEmm---
outSUTRACActual crop transpiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualTranspiration')DOUBLEmm---
outSUTRPOPotential crop transpiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'PotentialTranspiration')DOUBLEmm---
outSUTTREActual transpiration in mm per day after reduction due to low soil water content in individual layers (only applicable when open pan evapioration is used ?)DOUBLEmm---
outSubsurfaceFlowDaily amouont of subsurface run off (equal to QZSUM)DOUBLEmm---
outSurfaceFlowDaily amount of surface run off in mm (equal to QOSUM)DOUBLEmm---
outTotalAvailWaterSum of mobile and retained water in each layer (Soil available water)(mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outTotalAvailWaterVolumetricVolumetric water content equivalent for the sum of mobile and retained water in each layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outTotalWaterTotal water content in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outTotalWaterInProfileTotal water content over all soil layers (mm)DOUBLEmm---
outTotalWaterInProfileVolumetricAverage cvolumetric water content over all layers in the soil profileDOUBLEm3/m3---
outTotalWaterVolumetricVolumetric total water content in each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outWFRAmount of less mobile water in each layer not available for upward movement of solutes or water (see explanation and use in SlimNitrogen)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWHT15RRetained water below 0.5*wilting point in each layer not available for movement of solutesDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWR33Amount of retained water in finer pores of each layer available for upward movement of solutes or water (see explanation and use in SlimNitrogen)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWRHRetained water at field capacity in each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYmm---

public class HillFlow1D extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public HillFlow1D();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
protected void initializeVariables();

protected void reset();

Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
protected void process(); // Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - HillFlow1D