
Class that implements some methods from the LintulFAST C# version to calculate Vernalisation and Photoresponse. They are used by the model LintulFast. Class should not be used in other modules than LintulFast.

public class VernalisationAndPhotoresponseFastFunctions {
// Public Constructors
public VernalisationAndPhotoresponseFastFunctions(double LAT, double[] TAB);

// Public Instance Methods
public double GetRTSUM(boolean ApplyPhotoresponse, boolean
ApplyVernalisation, double Tlow, double Thigh, double VernDayMax, double
DevStageAnthesis, double DAVTMP, double rTSUMEFF_BaseAnt, double
rTSUMEFF_BaseMAt, int doy, double DevStage);

public void Reset();
