Applies fertilizer by using tabular values - designed to use Lintul5-style fertilizer tables

Fertilizer has to be provided as an array, where the entries containing DOY of fertilization alternate with entries containing corresponding fertilizer amount: .

E. g.:


has to be provided as array


This is the way interpolation tables are handled in FST (see also FSTFunctions). Lintul5 uses this mechanism for fertilization.

There are three tables the user can provide: cNitrateTAB, cAmmoniaTAB, cPotassiumTAB, cPhosphorusTAB and cNitrateAndAmmoniaTAB .

Each of the table populates the corresponding output Nitrate, Ammonia, Potassium, Phosphorus or NitrateAndAmmonia.

Notice: Nitrate and Ammonia do not add to NitrateAndAmmonia. This output is related only to cNitrateAndAmmoniaTAB!

Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcAmmoniaTABtable with effective applications of ammonia as function of day number (DOY)DOUBLEARRAYg/(m2 d)---
constantcNitrateAndAmmoniaTABtable with effective applications of nitrate and ammonia as function of day number (DOY)DOUBLEARRAYg/(m2 d)---
constantcNitrateTABtable with effective applications of nitrate as function of day number (DOY)DOUBLEARRAYg/(m2 d)---
constantcPhosphorusTABtable with effective applications of Phosphorus as function of day number (DOY)DOUBLEARRAYg/(m2 d)---
constantcPotassiumTABtable with effective applications of ammonia as function of day number (DOY)DOUBLEARRAYg/(m2 d)---
outAmmoniadaily applied ammoniaDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outNitratedaily applied nitrateDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outNitrateAndAmmoniadaily applied nitrate and ammoniaDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outPhosphorusdaily applied PhosphorusDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outPotassiumdaily applied PotassiumDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0

See also: net.simplace.sim.components.util.FSTFunctions

public class SimpleFertilizer extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public SimpleFertilizer(String aName, HashMap aFieldMap, HashMap aInputMap,
Element aSimComponentElement, FWSimVarMap aVarMap, int aOrderNumber);
public SimpleFertilizer();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

protected void process(); // Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - SimpleFertilizer