implementation of the FWSimInterface using ConnectionPool giving access to resources from and output to Databases use by FWSimInterface.createStatement(); Make sure to free connections after use by calling ConnectionPoolManager#getInstance#freeConnection(Connection)

public class JSONInterface extends FWSimInterface {
// Public Constructors
public JSONInterface(String aName, String aURL, String aPath);
// Protected Constructors
protected JSONInterface(String aName, FWSimInterface.INTERFACE_TYPE
aInterfaceType, int aPoolSize);
protected JSONInterface(String aName, Element aInterfaceElement);

// Protected Instance Variables
protected String iURL;
protected String iPath;

// Public Instance Methods
public JSONDataContainer getInterface(FWSimVarMap aVarMap,
FWSimVariable.CONTENT_TYPE aContentType); // Defines FWSimInterface

public String getURL();

returns the uRL
public void setURL(String aURL);

public Element toXML(); // Defines FWSimInterface

returns Element containing configuration for this Interface
public void finalize() throws Exception; // Defines FWSimInterface

public FWSimResourceCache read(FWSimSession aFwSimSession, String aProjectID,
Object aCache, LinkedHashMap aKeyMap, FWSimInputAdapter aResourceAdapter,
String aUniqueID, FWSimInterface.INTERFACE_TYPE aInterfaceType)
throws MissingSimResourceException; // Defines FWSimInterface


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - FWSimInterface - JSONInterface

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