
Helper EquationsFAO56 for computing values due to equations from (FAO 56)

Equation numbers refers to the paper cited below.


(FAO 56): Allen, Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements - FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56, 1998

public class EquationsFAO56 {
// Public Constructors
public EquationsFAO56();

// Protected Instance Methods
protected double K_s(double p, double D_r, double TAW);

Calculate water stress factor K_s according to FAO56, Ch. 8 (Eq. 83 & 84.).
protected double K_r(double D_e, double TEW, double REW);

Calculates evaporation reduction factor K_r according to FAO56, Ch. 7. Note: Allen et al (1998) explicitly specifies K_r = 1 when soil surface is wet, which is also the case here, as when WM > 0, WR = FC, and therefore D_e will be zero.
