The net.simplace.sim.components.experimental.intercropping Package

!SimComponents to use for intercropping scenarios

The SimComponents split radiation and water uptake between two plants that are planted in stripes.

They can be combined with crop and water models. There have to be two instances of crop SimComponents and one instance of water SimComponents. To connect the intercropping components with the crop/soil components, some outputs/inputs have to be upscaled from fractions to 1 m^2 or from 1 m^2 to fractions, as crop/soil SimComponents calculate the values per 1 m^2.

Example intercropping solution scheme

Intercropping components are in bold, crop / soil models in plain text. Scaling and aggregating components (italic) are implemented as rule based components in the solution.

Components for Crop 1 Components for shared resources Components for Crop 2
Root1 Root2
PotEvapoTrans1 PotEvapoTrans2
Biomass1 Biomass2

Class hierarchy of package net.simplace.sim.components.experimental.intercropping