
Version: $Revision: $

StatBar of the ImpetusClient.

public class FWStateBar extends javax.swing.JPanel {
// Public Constructors
public FWStateBar(String aLocalePrefix, Map aStatebarFunctionsMap);

// Constants
public static final int WEST;
public static final int CENTER;
public static final int EAST;

// Public Instance Methods
public void addLabel(int aSide, String aID, int aWidth);

Adds a new label to the statebar.
public void addLabel(int aSide, String aID, String aValue, int aWidth);

Adds a new label to the statebar.
public void addIconPanel(int aSide, String aID, Icon aIcon, int aWidth);

Adds a new icon with the given tooltiptext.
public void addComponentPanel(int aSide, String aID, JComponent aComponent,
int aWidth);

Adds a new icon with the given tooltiptext.
public void setValue(String aLabelName, String aValue);

Sets a new value to the given label.
public void setIcon(String aLabelName, Icon aIcon, String aToolTipText);

Sets a new icon and tooltiptext to the given label.

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void addPanel(int aSide, JComponent aComponent, boolean aAddBorder);

Adds a panel with only the given component.


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - FWStateBar

Returned by: FWMainFrame.getStateBar()