
public class FWFileChooserFormComponent extends
net.simplace.pipe.formcomponents.FWAbstractFormComponent implements
java.awt.event.ActionListener {
// Public Constructors
public FWFileChooserFormComponent(String aFormId, String aFieldId, boolean
aShowBorder, Element aParameters, FWObservable aObservabal, boolean

// Public Instance Methods
public String getValue(); // Defines

If used for file selection, returns the currently selected file or null if the current selection is a directory, does not exist or is not a valid file.

If used for directory selection, returns the currently selected directory, the parent directory of the currently selected file or null if the current selection does not exist or is not a valid file or directory.

public void setValue(Object aValue); // Defines

Constructs a File from aValue and calls @link setValue( File ) with it
public void setValue(File aFile);

Sets aFile as the current value
public void setValue(File[] aFiles);

public void setEnabled(boolean aNewState); // Defines javax.swing.JComponent

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e); // From

Display a standard file/directory selection dialog and save the result
public void update(FWObservable aObservable, Object aKeyOfParameterChanged);
// Defines net.simplace.pipe.formcomponents.FWAbstractFormComponent

public void processFormFiller(); // Defines

// Protected Instance Methods
protected Rectangle getValueCell(int aType);
// Defines net.simplace.pipe.formcomponents.FWAbstractFormComponent

// Inner Classes
public static final class FWFileChooserFormComponent.SELECTION_MODE extends

Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - net.simplace.pipe.formcomponents.FWAbstractFormComponent (net.simplace.core.FWObserver) - FWFileChooserFormComponent (java.awt.event.ActionListener)