Panel with specific Layout als default for the TabView Panels. Please overwrite it resp. use it
by setting Panels to ViewPanel with implemented ScrollPane and VFlowLayout. You can set other
LayoutManager if necesarry.
Methods go(),cancel(),back() and print() can be implemented by using Listeners of TabView or just
overwrite the methods here.
public class FWDefaultPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel implements
java.awt.event.ActionListener {
// Public Constructors
public FWDefaultPanel(FWAbstractFunctionality aFunctionality);
public FWDefaultPanel(FWAbstractFunctionality aFunctionality, boolean
public FWDefaultPanel();
// Protected Instance Variables
protected FWAbstractFunctionality iFunctionality;
// Class Methods public static void
resetCaptions(Container aContainer, Map aCaptionMap);
Leitet die Aktualisierung der Beschriftungen an alle im Container container
enthaltenen de.schmitzm.swing.CaptionsChangeable-Komponenten weiter.
Zudem wird die Auswertung rekursiv fuer alle in container enthaltenen
java.awt.Container fortgefuehrt.
- containter ein Container der weitere {@link Component Components}
- aCaptionMap enthaelt die neuen Beschriftungen
// Public Instance Methods public void setComponentToView(Component aComponentToView);
Displays a certain component in the center of the panel.
The previously displayed component is automatically removed from the panel.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent); // From
public void resetCaptions();
Startet die Aktualisierung der Beschriftungen an alle im Panel
enthaltenen de.schmitzm.swing.CaptionsChangeable-Komponenten mit einer leeren
public void
resetCaptions(Map aCaptionMap);
Leitet die Aktualisierung der Beschriftungen an alle im Panel
enthaltenen de.schmitzm.swing.CaptionsChangeable-Komponenten weiter.
- captionMap enthaelt die neuen Beschriftungen
public void
setBackButtonEnabled(boolean aIsEnabledBackButton);
public void
setCancelButtonEnabled(boolean aIsEnabled);
public void
setGoButtonEnabled(boolean aIsEnabled);
public void
setPrintButtonEnabled(boolean aIsEnabled);
public void
setExportButtonEnabled(boolean aIsEnabled);
public void
setInfoButtonEnabled(boolean aIsEnabled);
public void
setResetButtonEnabled(boolean aIsVisible);
// Protected Instance Methods protected void cancel();
called from action performed - you can overwrite it in extended class or use this
protected void reset();
called from action performed - you have to overwrite it in extended class for things to happen
protected void go();
called from action performed - you can overwrite it in extended class or use this
protected void print();
called from action performed - you can overwrite it in extended class or use this
protected void export();
called from action performed - you can overwrite it in extended class or use this
protected void info(Object aInfoLocation);
called from action performed - you can overwrite it in extended class or use this
protected void back();
called from action performed - you can overwrite it in extended class or use this
protected String getLocaleValue(String aKey);
This method limits the coding for reading values from the locale.
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - FWDefaultPanel (java.awt.event.ActionListener)
Extended by: FWBrowserPanel, FWChartPanel, FWDatabaseAccessFunctionalityPanel, net.simplace.pipe.util.FWFormPanel, FWImagePanel, FWInternalBrowserPanel, FWPDFPanel, net.simplace.pipe.progress.FWProgressViewPanel, FWXMLEditorPanel, net.simplace.client.sim.graphpanel.SimEnvGraphPanel