
This helper class provides methods used for printing stuff on a printing device.

public class PrintHelper implements java.lang.Runnable, java.awt.print.Printable {

// Constants
public static final int TYPE_PDF;
public static final int TYPE_RTF;
public static final int TYPE_HTML;

// Class Methods
public static void print(Component aComponent, FWObservable aObservable)
throws PrinterException;

Prints a GUI component on a printer. Before printing is started, a cross-platform dialog appears to the user who can select the desired printer and customise the print properties. If the print dialog is canceled, no print job will start.
public static void print(Component aComponent) throws PrinterException;

Prints a GUI component on a printer. Before printing is started, a cross-platform dialog appears to the user who can select the desired printer and customise the print properties. If the print dialog is canceled, no print job will start.

// Public Instance Methods
public void run(); // From java.lang.Runnable

Handles the whole printing process.
Note: it's implemented in a new thread because looking up the printing device takes a lot of time
public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex);
// From java.awt.print.Printable
