
Default empty implementation of a check helper that does actually nothing

public class DefaultChecker extends FWChecker {
// Public Constructors
public DefaultChecker();

// Protected Instance Methods
protected Number checkLimits(FWSimVariable aSource, Number aValue, Number
aMin, Number aMax) throws SimValueOutOfRangeException;
// Defines FWChecker

protected boolean checkSource(FWSimVariable aTarget, FWSimFieldContainer
aSimFieldContainer, FWSimFieldContainer aSource)
throws SimLinkInvalidException; // Defines FWChecker

protected boolean checkWriteProtectionOnContentType(FWSimVariable aTarget,
FWSimVariable.CONTENT_TYPE aContentType, FWSimFieldContainer aSource)
throws SimLinkInvalidException; // Defines FWChecker

protected boolean checkParametersInScript(Collection aAllowedFields,
Collection aForbiddenFields, String aJexlScript); // Defines FWChecker


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - FWChecker - DefaultChecker