
This class serves as replacement for the JOptionpane.

public final class FWMessageDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog implements
java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.lang.Runnable {

// Constants
public static final Icon INFO_ICON;
public static final Icon QUESTION_ICON;
public static final Icon CONFIRM_ICON;
public static final Icon WARNING_ICON;
public static final Icon EXCEPTION_ICON;
public static final Icon PROGRESS_ICON;
public static final String QUESTION_TITLE;
public static final String WARNING_TITLE;
public static final String PROGRESS_TITLE;
public static final int QUESTION_YES;
public static final int QUESTION_NO;
public static final int QUESTION_CANCEL;
public static final int CONFIRM_OK;
public static final int CONFIRM_CANCEL;
public static final int QUESTION_MESSAGE;
public static final int INFO_MESSAGE;
public static final int SEND_EMAIL;
public static final int FILE_CHOOSER_MULTISELECT;
public static final int FILE_CHOOSER_SELECT;
public static final int FILE_CHOOSER_DIR;
public static final int FILE_CHOOSER_EXISTING;

// Class Methods
public static int showOptionPaneDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage,
String aTitle, int aIconType, int aButtonType);

returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showCustomDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, Icon aIcon,
String aMessage, String[] aButtonCaptions);

Shows a dialog with the custom settings.
returns index of the clicked Button
public static int showCustomDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, Icon aIcon,
String aMessage, int aDefaultButtonIndex);

Shows a dialog with the custom settings.
returns index of the clicked Button
public static void showInfoDialog(Window aParent, String aInfo);

Shows a simple infopanel.
public static void showInfoDialog(Window aParent, String aInfo, String

Shows a simple infopanel.
public static void showAutodisposeInfoDialog(Window aParent, String aInfo,
int aAutodisposeWaitingTime);

Shows a simple infopanel.
public static void showInfoDialog(Window aParent, String aInfo, int
aAutodisposeWaitingTime, String aMessageID);

Shows a simple infopanel.
public static String showInputDialogWithoutCancelButton(Window aParent,
String aTitle, String aInfo);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, Icon aIcon);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, boolean aPasswordField);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, String aDefaultValue);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, String aDefaultValue, boolean aPasswordField);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, String aDefaultValue, boolean aPasswordField, boolean

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String showInputDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, String aDefaultValue, boolean aPasswordField, boolean
aShowCancelButton, Icon aIcon);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static String showFileChooserDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle,
String aInfo, String aDefaultValue, Integer aFileChooserOption);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static Object showChooserDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, Collection aValueCollection);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static Object showChooserDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle, String
aInfo, Collection aValueCollection, Object aDefaultValue);

Shows a simple input panel.
returns the input dialog result
public static Object[] showDoubleChooserDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle,
String aInfo, Collection aSourceValueCollection, Collection

returns the 2 selected values or null if cancel was pressed
public static int showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aQuestion,
boolean aShowCancel);

Shows a dialog, which asks the user to press either yes, no and perhaps cancel.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aQuestion,
boolean aShowCancel, int aDefaultButtonIndex);

Shows a dialog, whichs ask the user to press either yes, no and perhaps cancel.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showOptionDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage, String[]
aOptions, int aMessageType);

Shows a dialog, which asks the user to press either yes, no and perhaps cancel.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static FWObservable showFormDialog(Window aParent, String aTitle,
String aInfo, Element aFormElement, FWObservable aObservable, boolean

returns the given Observable
public static int showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aLocaleBundle,
String aLocaleKey, boolean aShowCancel);

Shows a dialog, which asks the user to press either yes, no and perhaps cancel.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage);

Shows a dialog, whichs ask the user to press either yes, no.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showQuestionDialog(Window aParent, String aLocaleBundle,
String aLocaleKey);

Shows a dialog, whichs ask the user to press either yes, no.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showConfirmDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage);

Shows a dialog which asks the user to either confirm or break a process;
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showConfirmDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage, String

Shows a dialog which asks the user to either confirm or break a process;
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showWarningQuestion(Window aParent, String aQuestion);

Shows a dialog which asks the user with warning him/her of the importance.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static int showWarningQuestion(Window aParent, String aQuestion, int

Shows a dialog which asks the user with warning him/her of the importance.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static void showWarningDialog(Window aParent, String aWarning,
Throwable aThrowable);

Shows a dialog which warns user of a minor Throwable.
public static void showWarningDialog(Window aParent, String aWarning, String
aMessageID, Throwable aThrowable);

Shows a dialog which warns user of a minor Throwable.
public static void showWarningDialog(Window aParent, String aWarning);

Shows a dialog which warns user of something.
public static void showWarningDialog(Window aParent, String aLocaleBundle,
String aLocaleKey);

Shows a dialog which warns user of something.
public static void showExceptionDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage,
Throwable aThrowable);

Shows a dialog, which warns the user, that a Throwable has happened.
public static int showEmailExceptionDialog(Window aParent, String aMessage,
Throwable aThrowable);

Shows a dialog, which warns the user, that a Throwable has happened and also the Email functionality button. This should be used if a functionality is implemented for email sending.
returns int representing the choice user has done.
public static void showExceptionDialog(Window aParent, String aLocaleBundle,
String aLocaleKey, Throwable aThrowable);

Shows a dialog, which warns the user, that a Throwable has happened.
public static void showMessage(Window aWindow, FWMessage aMessage);

Displays the given Message object.

// Public Instance Methods
public void pack(); // Overrides java.awt.Window

Overrides java.awt.Window to recognize minimum-size.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aActionEvent);
// From java.awt.event.ActionListener

Is called after one of the button is pressed.
public void run(); // From java.lang.Runnable

Waits the autodispose time and closes the dialog, if it isn`t closed manually in the given time.


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - java.awt.Window (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - java.awt.Dialog - javax.swing.JDialog (javax.swing.WindowConstants, javax.accessibility.Accessible, javax.swing.RootPaneContainer, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - FWMessageDialog (java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.lang.Runnable)