
Version: 1.0

This form component is filled by a form filler and shows some maps. To show the maps a net.simplace.ui.formengine.geotools.GeoObjectChooserPanel is used, although NOTHING can be chosen! The net.simplace.ui.formengine.geotools.GeoObjectChooserPanel has the advantage, that it already can be Initialized by an XML element.

public class FWMapResultFormComponentPanel extends
FWAbstractResultFormComponentPanel {
// Public Constructors
public FWMapResultFormComponentPanel();

// Protected Instance Variables
protected FWAtlasMapPanel iMapPanel;

// Public Instance Methods
public void exportData(); // Defines FWAbstractResultFormComponentPanel

Opens an file chooser dialog for each displayed layer (beginning with the top layer) to export the feature collection or raster to file.

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void initFromFiller();
// Defines FWAbstractResultFormComponentPanel

Fills the map by the parameters given by the form filler.
protected void initFromParameters();
// Defines FWAbstractResultFormComponentPanel

Fills the map by the parameters given by the form component.


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - FWAbstractResultFormComponentPanel - FWMapResultFormComponentPanel