
This processor reads an XLS document into a HSSF workbook object. Example configuration: XLSdata jdbc:hsqldb:mem org.hsqldb.jdbcDrive sa someKey "readFile" can be a filename or a parameter containing a filename. Note: The value of "readFile" may not be "readFile"! "readSheet" can be a sheetname or excel jump marker (f.e. "data1!A1" for sheet "data1", column "A", row "1"), it's only "data1" used to open the sheet, the rest is ignored

public class ReadHSSFWorkbookProcessor extends
net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public ReadHSSFWorkbookProcessor();

// Protected Instance Methods
protected boolean process() throws PipeLineException; // Defines

Instance for Category.


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor - ReadHSSFWorkbookProcessor