Version: 1.0
This processor performs an (arithmetical) rule on every cell of a raster.
For this purpose, references to corresponding cells of other rasters can
be used (see for details).
Required input parameters:
- Key #0, #1, ...: References-key to org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D- or
Several of these parameters are allowed.
- Key F0, F1, ...: References-key to
Several of these parameters are allowed.
- Key rule: arithmetical rule on raster data with wildcards
'#0', '#1' ... for the raster objects or 'F0', 'F1' ... for
filter objects in the list. See
de.schmitzm.lang.tree.OperationTreeParser and
for details about the syntax and allowed operators.
- Key resultParamKey: Output parameter key where the result data
is stored in
- Key style (optional): Style the output raster is styled with
(if not given, the style is takes
from the input grid #0)
- Key resultType (optional): The default is to create a de.schmitzm.geotools.styling.StyledGridCoverageInterface
as output. For some (XULU) proposals it is
necessary to create a
- de.schmitzm.geotools.grid.WritableGridCoverage
Currently at least one existing grid is required in RasterList,
also if it is not referenced in rule. It is needed as template
(Size, geo-reference, ...) for the result grid. In the future it will be
possible to indicate these grid characteristics also by in-channel.
public class RasterCalculatorProcessor extends
net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public RasterCalculatorProcessor();
// Constants
public static final String RULE_KEY;
public static final String RESULTSTYLE_KEY;
public static final String RESULTKEY_KEY;
public static final String RESULTTYPE_KEY;
public static final String RESULTKEY_VALUE_DEFAULT;
// Protected Instance Variables
protected String iRule;
protected String iResultParamKey;
protected String iResultType;
protected String iResultStyleKey;
// Public Instance Methods
// Protected Instance Methods protected void resetInternalVariables();
Resets all internal variables to null.
protected ReadableGrid
getReadableGridInParameter(String aKey)
Reads an object from the input parameter map and converts it to a (if necessary)
- aKey key for the input parameter map
returns an object from the input parameter map converted into a
{@link ReadableGrid}
protected GridCoverage2D
getGridCoverageInParameter(String aKey)
Reads an object from the input parameter map and converts it to a
org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D (if necessary)
- aKey key for the input parameter map
returns an object from the input parameter map converted into a
{@link GridCoverage2D}
protected RasterFilter
getRasterFilterInParameter(String aKey)
Reads an object from the input parameter map and converts it to a (if necessary)
- aKey key for the input parameter map
returns an object from the input parameter map converted into a
{@link RasterFilter}
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor - RasterCalculatorProcessor
Extended by: SubRasterCalculatorProcessor