This processor is based on Geotools
and saves a geo data object (org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D or org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection)
onto harddisk. The geo object is stored in file given by parameter value.
Required input parameters:
Key map.type: type of input data
Supported values:
Key map.file: Output filename (absolute) where the data is stored in
Key map.key: Input parameter key where the data is stored in
public class GeoDataSaverProcessor extends net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor { // Public Constructors public GeoDataSaverProcessor(); // Constants public static final String TYPE_KEY; public static final String TYPE_VALUE_FILE_ARCINFOASCII; public static final String TYPE_VALUE_FILE_GEOTIFF; public static final String TYPE_VALUE_FILE_SHAPE; public static final String SOURCE_KEY; public static final String DESTKEY_KEY; // Public Instance Methods