Calculates reference evapotranspiration ET0 according to the
Priestley-Taylor method, using solar radiation and temperature.
Priestley-Taylor (1972)
Uses the equation developed by Priestley and Taylor (1972) for ET0 calculation from temperature and solar radiation.
"The Priestley-Taylor equation was developed as a substitute to the Penman-Monteith equation to remove
dependence on observations. For Priestley-Taylor, only radiation (irradiance) observations are required.
This is done by removing the aerodynamic terms from the Penman-Monteith equation and adding an empirically
derived constant factor, \alpha. (source: Wikipedia)
Priestley, C.H.B., Taylor, R.J., 1972. On the Assessment of Surface Heat Flux and Evaporation Using Large-Scale Parameters.
Monthly Weather Review 100, 81-92. doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1972)100<0081:OTAOSH>2.3.CO;2
Component Variables
Content Type | Name | Description | Data Type | Unit | Min Value | Max Value | Default Value |
constant | cAlphaPT | Priestley-Taylor coefficient | DOUBLE | 1 | 0.0 | - | 1.26 |
constant | cAltitude | altitude | DOUBLE | m | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iNetRadiation | net radiation | DOUBLE | MJ/(m2 d) | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iTMax | maximum daily temperature | DOUBLE | °C | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iTMin | minimum daily temperature | DOUBLE | °C | - | - | 0.0 |
out | ReferenceCropEvapotranspiration | reference evapotranspiration (ET0) | DOUBLE | mm/d | - | - | 0.0 |
public class ReferenceETPriestleyTaylor extends
net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public ReferenceETPriestleyTaylor();
// Public Instance Methods public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines
Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent
// Protected Instance Methods protected void init(); // Defines
Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
protected void process(); // Defines
Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap
protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent
creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - ReferenceETPriestleyTaylor