Out of performance reasons the data from resources is stored within the ResourceCache. Herein a
Object[] is used to make the data accessible very fast.
See the 2 extending classes: and
public abstract class FWSimCache implements
net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer {
// Public Constructors
public FWSimCache(LinkedHashMap aHeaderVariables, FWSimIOAdapter.FREQUENCE
aFrequence, String aName, int aOrderNumber);
// Protected Constructors
protected FWSimCache(int aFieldcount, String aName, HashMap aCache, boolean
aArrayMode, LinkedHashMap aHeaderVariables, FWSimIOAdapter.FREQUENCE
aFrequence, int aOrderNumber, HashMap aVariableIndex);
// Protected Instance Variables
protected int iFieldcount;
protected String iName;
protected HashMap iCache;
protected boolean iArrayMode;
protected LinkedHashMap iHeaderVariables;
protected HashMap iVariablesIndexes;
protected FWSimIOAdapter.FREQUENCE iFrequence;
protected int iOrderNumber;
// Public Instance Methods public HashMap getCache();
returns the whole data content within the object[]
public HashMap getVariables();
returns the Header Variables
public void
setCacheMap(HashMap aNewFieldMap);
setting complete new data structure
public Integer
getVariableIndex(String aFieldName);
returns the variable index
Extended by:,, net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationControlCache