
This processor is based on Geotools and loads a dbf file (shape file) or a the not-geometric data of a org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection into an existing database.
Parameter Description
source (optional) path to dbf file or reference key to a FeatureCollection in the input parameter map.
tableName URL for the given JDBC driver.
Default: jdbc:hsqldb:mem
destConnection Output parameter key where the connection is stored in
dropTable (optional) (optional): TRUE | FALSE indicates, whether an existing table in the database is dropped (Default: FALSE.

public class DbfToDatabaseTableProcessor extends
net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public DbfToDatabaseTableProcessor();

// Constants
public static final String SOURCE_TYPE_VALUE_DBF;
public static final String SOURCE_TYPE_VALUE_FC;
public static final String SOURCE_TYPE_KEY;
public static final String SOURCE_KEY;
public static final String TABLE_KEY;
public static final String DROP_TABLE_KEY;
public static final String DEST_CON_KEY;

// Class Methods
public static boolean isGeometryAttribute(Object attr);

Checks whether an attribute is an geometric attribute.
returns true, if an attribute is an geometric attribute, otherwise returns false

// Public Instance Methods
public boolean checkInParameterMap(); // Defines

Checks whether the in-channel contains all required parameters.
public boolean process() throws PipeLineException; // Defines

Loads the geo data specified by in-channel parameters. First all in-channel parameters are checked.
returns ever {@code true}


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor - DbfToDatabaseTableProcessor