
Functionality starting map view and show some layers. The data for the layers are specified by the in-channel.
There is only one type of in-channel keys: map.[SortKey.]XXXXX, where SortKey (optional) specifies the order the layer are inserted in the MapPanel (lowest value on top) and XXXXX is the name of a references-key to a geo object in the in-channel.
Supported typed of geo objects: The value of the parameter should contain a reference-key to a short layer description in ISDSS localization.
Use one of the map.-parameter for each layer to display.
If no SortKeys are specified, the layers are inserted in the MapPanel in an undefined order.

See also: net.simplace.ui.panel.FWLayeredMapPanel

public class MapFunctionality extends
net.simplace.util.functionality.FWAbstractFunctionality implements {
// Public Constructors
public MapFunctionality();

// Public Instance Methods
public void startFunctionality() throws Exception;
// Defines net.simplace.util.functionality.FWAbstractFunctionality

Starts the functionality and inserts layers in the map.
public void performMapPaneEvent(XMapPaneEvent aJMapPaneEvent);
// From


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.lang.Thread (java.lang.Runnable) - net.simplace.util.functionality.FWAbstractFunctionality - MapFunctionality (