
Taking soil texture data and - via lookup tables - creates hydraulic properties for the different soil layers

Soil data often only contains texture information like claycontent, siltcontent, sandcontent. For model application there is the need for hydraulic properties like water content at different soil moisture tensions, hydraulic conductivity, etc.

This transformer takes the data from resource containing claycontent from soil excluding organic carbon and gravel siltcontent from soil excluding organic carbon and gravel sandcontent from soil excluding organic carbon and gravel gravelcontent from full soil layer profile carboncontent from full soil layer profile bulkdensity g/cm3

It estimates the values for WC00_KA5: Water content % at Saturation and a tension of 0.0 hPa taken from KA5 WC05_KA5: Water content % at Saturation and a tension of 0.5 hPa taken from KA5 WC08_KA5: Water content % at Saturation and a tension of 0.8 hPa taken from KA5 WC15_KA5: Water content % at Field Capacity and a tension of 1.5 hPa taken from KA5 WC18_KA5: Water content % at Field Capacity and a tension of 1.8 hPa taken from KA5 WC25_KA5: Water content % at Field Capacity and a tension of 2.5 hPa taken from KA5 WC28_KA5: Water content % at Field Capacity and a tension of 2.8 hPa taken from KA5 WC35_KA5: Water content % at Wilting Point and a tension of 3.5 hPa taken from KA5 WC38_KA5: Water content % at Wilting Point and a tension of 3.8 hPa taken from KA5 WC42_KA5: Water content % at Wilting Point and a tension of 4.2 hPa taken from KA5 nWC18_KA5: Usable water content % between Field Capacity and a tension of 1.8 hPa and Wilting point tension 4.2 hPa taken from KA5 nWC25_KA5: Usable water content % between Field Capacity and a tension of 2.5 hPa and Wilting point tension 4.2 hPa taken from KA5 SHC_KA5: Hydraulic conductivity SHC_FAO: Hydraulic conductivity WC_ADD_KA5: Additional Water content (not included in above) for the given carbon content (<30%) Tex_Class_KA5: Soil texture class German "K�rnungsklassen"-system Tex_Class_US: Soil texture class US Soil Taxonomy

CAUTION The following hints are necessary to be taken into account for the usage of the values

  1. The values should only be seen as a weak estimation of the given situation and should NOT be used in field scale! Here measurements of the parameters is needed!
  2. All WC is reduced by the given gravel content - default at 0.0 %

WCxx = WCxx * (1 - gravel Content %) 1

  1. If there is no Bulk Density given the value of 1.4 will be taken as default
  2. If texture is meeting a breakpoint between soil texture classes the mean of the attached values is taken

requested structure of configuration element: <transform id="soil_transform" interface="simpool" resource="soil" source="vSoiltype" class="net.simplace.client.simulation.lap.transformer.SoilLayerTransformer" > <header key="soillayer_id" > <res id="soiltype" datatype="CHAR"/> <res id="dampingdepth" unit="m" datatype="DOUBLE"/> <res id="soilwater_fc_global" unit="cm3*cm-3" datatype="DOUBLE"/> ... <res id="clay" unit="g/100g" datatype="DOUBLEARRAY"/> <res id="carbon" unit="g/100g" datatype="DOUBLEARRAY"/> </header> <input id="statement">SELECT Statement to get the soil data from resource using the above column names!</input> </transform>

public class SoilTextureToHydraulicPropertiesTransformer extends {
// Public Constructors
public SoilTextureToHydraulicPropertiesTransformer(FWSimSession aSession,
Element aResourceElement, Integer aOrderNumber);
public SoilTextureToHydraulicPropertiesTransformer(FWSimSession aSession,
Integer aOrderNumber);

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

public FWSimResourceCache getData(FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
throws MissingSimResourceException; // Defines

standard method from outside
public FWSimResourceCache getData(FWSimVarMap aVarMap, FWSimResourceCache
aResourceCache) throws MissingSimResourceException;

used by test cases
returns delivered new data from transformer
public FWSimResourceCache reScaleSoilLayers(FWSimVariable aThicknessOfLayers,
FWSimVariable aLayerCount, FWSimVariable aDepthFieldName, String
aProjectID, FWSimResourceCache aCache)
throws MissingSimResourceException;

Rescales the soil layer
returns the new created {@link FWSimResourceCache}
public void updateFields(FWObservable aObservable);
// Defines


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - - - SoilTextureToHydraulicPropertiesTransformer