Component Variables
Content Type | Name | Description | Data Type | Unit | Min Value | Max Value | Default Value |
constant | cDepletionFraction | average fraction TAW that can be depleted before moisture stress | DOUBLE | 1 | 0.0 | 1.0 | - |
constant | cMaxRainWithoutRunoff | maximum precipitation at which no runoff is calculated | DOUBLE | mm/d | - | - | 0.0 |
constant | cSoilWaterFieldCapacity | field capacity per layer | DOUBLE | mm/d | - | - | - |
constant | cSoilWaterWiltingPoint | wilting point per layer | DOUBLE | mm/d | - | - | - |
input | iAvailableWaterContent | vol water content above WP in mm in max root depth | DOUBLE | 1 | - | - | - |
input | iIrrigationOn | switch to indicate if irrigation is required or not | INT | 1 | - | - | 0 |
input | iRAIN | precipitation | DOUBLE | mm/d | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iRootDepth | max root depth in meters | DOUBLE | m | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iWithCrop | crop DVS is >0 and <2 | BOOLEAN | 1 | - | - | false |
out | AppliedIrrDepth | daily applied depth of irrigation | DOUBLE | mm/d | - | - | 0.0 |
out | CalculateRunoff | - | BOOLEAN | | - | - | true |
out | CumulativeAppliedIrrDepth | cumulative applied depth of irrigation | DOUBLE | mm | - | - | 0.0 |
out | Irrigation | precipitation + irrigation | DOUBLE | mm/d | - | - | 0.0 |
public class SimpleAutomaticIrrigation_Lintul2 extends
net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public SimpleAutomaticIrrigation_Lintul2(String aName, HashMap aFieldMap,
HashMap aInputMap, Element aSimComponentElement, FWSimVarMap aVarMap,
int aOrderNumber);
public SimpleAutomaticIrrigation_Lintul2();
// Public Instance Methods public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines
// Protected Instance Methods protected void init(); // Defines
protected void process(); // Defines
protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent
creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - SimpleAutomaticIrrigation_Lintul2