Selects the simulation from a project, which fits best to some error method:
The user has to specify
- the error method cMode
- the two variables, that will be compared (normally observed and simulated data) as cValueField1 and cValueField2
- the frequency at which the selector compares the values
Configuration in project file is given as
<selector id="LeastDifference" class="net.simplace.simulation.control.selectors.LeastDifferenceSelector" frequence="YEARLY" >
<input id="cMode">r</input>
<input id="cValueField1" mode="MAX" source="data.obs"/>
<input id="cValueField2" mode="MAX" source="model.sim"/>
- id of selected simulation
- error of selected simulation
- errors of all simulations as DOUBLEARRAY
- the error method used
Error methods
- Bias - mean error
- SignedBias - mean error, selects the smallest signed bias
- MRE - mean relative error
- MAE - mean absolute error
- RMAE - relative mean absolute error
- MSE - mean squared error
- RMSE - root mean squared error
- RRMSE - relative root mean squared error
- SMAPE - symmetric mean absolute percentage error
- EF - model efficiency
- r - Correlation Coefficient
- rc - Concordance Correlation Coefficient
- index - Agreement Index
- NONE - Void Error Calculator
See also: net.simplace.util.statistics.Bias, SignedBias, net.simplace.util.statistics.MRE, net.simplace.util.statistics.MAE, net.simplace.util.statistics.RMAE, net.simplace.util.statistics.MSE, net.simplace.util.statistics.RMSE, net.simplace.util.statistics.RRMSE, net.simplace.util.statistics.SMAPE, net.simplace.util.statistics.EF, net.simplace.util.statistics.CorrelationCoefficient, net.simplace.util.statistics.ConcordanceCorrelationCoefficient, net.simplace.util.statistics.AgreementIndex, net.simplace.util.statistics.VoidErrorCalculator
public class LeastDifferenceSelector extends WeightedLeastDifferenceSelector {
// Public Constructors
public LeastDifferenceSelector(Element aSimulationSelectorElement,
FWSimSession aSession);
// Public Instance Methods
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationControlContainer (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationSelector - WeightedLeastDifferenceSelector - LeastDifferenceSelector
Extended by: LeastSquareSelector