
Version: 1.0

This processor is based on Geotools and loads a geo data object (org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D or org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection) into memory. In order that the ATLAS (display styles and legends) visualisation can also deal with the objects, the processor does not store the Geotools objects directly in the out parameters, but encapsulated in a de.schmitzm.geotools.styling.StyledLayerInterfacestyled geo object (de.schmitzm.geotools.styling.StyledFeatureCollection, de.schmitzm.geotools.styling.StyledGridCoverage).
Required input parameters:

public class GeoDataLoaderProcessor extends
net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public GeoDataLoaderProcessor();
public GeoDataLoaderProcessor(String aType, File aSource, String aDestParam,
String aCRSKey, String aStyleKey, FWObservable aObservable);

// Constants
public static final String TYPE_KEY;
public static final String TYPE_VALUE_FILE_ARCINFOASCII;
public static final String TYPE_VALUE_FILE_GEOTIFF;
public static final String TYPE_VALUE_FILE_UNKNOWN;
public static final String TYPE_VALUE_FILE_GEOTIFF_READER;
public static final String TYPE_VALUE_FILE_SHAPE;
public static final String TYPE_VALUE_ATLAS;
public static final String SOURCE_KEY;
public static final String DESTKEY_KEY;
public static final String DESTKEY_VALUE_DEFAULT;
public static final String DEFAULTCRS_KEY;
public static final CoordinateReferenceSystem DEFAULTCRS_VALUE_DEFAULT;
public static final String STYLE_KEY;

// Public Instance Methods
public boolean checkInParameterMap(); // Defines

Checks whether the in-channel contains all required parameters.
public boolean checkOutParameterMap(); // Defines

Checks whether the in-channel contains all required parameters.
public boolean process() throws PipeLineException; // Defines

Loads the geo data specified by in-channel parameters. First all in-channel parameters are checked.
returns ever {@code true}
public StyledLayerInterface loadData() throws PipeLineException;

Loads the geo data specified by in-channel parameters. First all in-channel parameters are checked.
returns ever {@code true}
public Object processExtern(String aKey) throws PipeLineException;

returns OutParameter provided by aKey


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor - GeoDataLoaderProcessor