
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - NPK part

This sim component calculates the NPK part from Lintul5. It does not calculate any biomass related part, but takes biomass of crop organs iWRT, iWST, iWLVG and iWSO as input.


Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcDVSIdevelopment stage of crop (from 0 to 2)DOUBLE1--0.0
constantcDVSNLTDVS stage above which no N, P and K uptakes by the crop do occurDOUBLE1--1.3
constantcDVSNTDVS stage above which N, P and K translocations to storage organs occur -DOUBLE1--0.8
constantcFERKTABtable with fertiliser K applications at given daysDOUBLEARRAYg/(m2 d)---
constantcFERNTABtable with fertiliser N applications at given daysDOUBLEARRAYg/(m2 d)---
constantcFERPTABtable with fertiliser P applications at given daysDOUBLEARRAYg/(m2 d)---
constantcFLTBfraction table of abovre-gr. biomass to leaves as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAY---
constantcFNTRTN-P-K translocations from roots as a fraction of resp. total N-P-K amounts translocated from leaves and stemsDOUBLE--0.15
constantcFRKXoptimal K concentration as fraction of maximal K concentrationDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcFRNXoptimal N concentration as fraction of maximal N concentrationDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcFRPXoptimal P concentration as fraction of maximal P concentrationDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcFRTBfraction table of total biomass to roots as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAY---
constantcFSTBfraction table of abovre-gr. biomass to stems as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAY---
constantcIOPTindicates optimal (=1), water limited (=2), water and N limited (=3) and water and N, P and K limited run (=4)INT1--0
constantcKMAXSOmaximal K concentration in storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.0048
constantcKMINIinitial amount (at crop emergence) of potentially available soil KDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcKMXLVtable with maximal K concentration in leaves as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAYg/g---
constantcKRFTABtable with recovery fractions of fertiliser K applicationsDOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcLRKRmaximum K concentration in roots as fraction of maximum K concentration in leavesDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcLRNRmaximum N concentration in roots as fraction of maximum N concentration in leavesDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcLRPRmaximum P concentration in roots as fraction of maximum P concentration in leavesDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcLSKRmaximum K concentration in stems as fraction of maximum K concentration in leavesDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcLSNRmaximum N concentration in stems as fraction of maximum N concentration in leavesDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcLSPRmaximum P concentration in stems as fraction of maximum P concentration in leavesDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcNFIXFfraction of crop N uptake by biological fixationDOUBLE1--0.0
constantcNMAXSOmaximal N concentration in storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.0176
constantcNMINIinitial amount (at crop emergence) of potentially available soil organic NDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcNMXLVtable with maximal N concentration in leaves as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAYg/g---
constantcNRFTABtable with recovery fractions of fertiliser N applicationsDOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcPMAXSOmaximal P concentration in storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.0026
constantcPMINIinitial amount (at crop emergence) of potentially available soil PDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcPMXLVtable with maximal P concentration in leaves as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAYg/g---
constantcPRFTABtable with recovery fractions of fertiliser P applicationsDOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcRKFLVresidual K concentration in leavesDOUBLEg/g--0.009
constantcRKFRTresidual K concentration in rootsDOUBLEg/g--0.005
constantcRKFSTresidual K concentration in stemsDOUBLEg/g--0.005
constantcRNFLVresidual N concentration in leavesDOUBLEg/g--0.004
constantcRNFRTresidual N concentration in rootsDOUBLEg/g--0.002
constantcRNFSTresidual N concentration in stemsDOUBLEg/g--0.002
constantcRPFLVresidual P concentration in leavesDOUBLEg/g--5.0E-4
constantcRPFRTresidual P concentration in rootsDOUBLEg/g--3.0E-4
constantcRPFSTresidual P concentration in stemsDOUBLEg/g--3.0E-4
constantcRTKMINSfraction of soil K coming available per dayDOUBLEd-1--0.0
constantcRTNMINSfraction of soil organic N coming available per dayDOUBLEd-1--0.0
constantcRTPMINSfraction of soil P coming available per dayDOUBLEd-1--0.0
constantcScaleFactorFERKScales the y-values of FERKTAB (for sensitivity analysis / calibration)DOUBLE1--1.0
constantcScaleFactorFERNScales the y-values of FERNTAB (for sensitivity analysis / calibration)DOUBLE1--1.0
constantcScaleFactorFERPScales the y-values of FERPTAB (for sensitivity analysis / calibration)DOUBLE1--1.0
constantcTCKTtime constant for K translocation to storage organsDOUBLEd--10.0
constantcTCNTtime constant for N translocation to storage organsDOUBLEd--10.0
constantcTCPTtime constant for P translocation to storage organsDOUBLEd--10.0
constantcTDWIInitial total crop dry weightDOUBLEg/m2--210.0
inputiDVSinitial development stage of crop (from 0 to 2)DOUBLE1--0.0
inputiEMERGhas emergedBOOLEAN1--false
inputiIDEMERGDay of emergenceINT1--0
inputiTRANRFwater stress reduction factorDOUBLE1--1.0
inputiWLVGweight of living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
inputiWRTweight of rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
inputiWSOweight of storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
inputiWSTweight of stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesAKLVamount of K in living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesAKRTamount of K in living rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesAKSOamount of K in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesAKSTamount of K in living stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesANLVamount of N in living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesANRTamount of N in living rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesANSOamount of N in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesANSTamount of N in living stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesAPLVamount of P in living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesAPRTamount of P in living rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesAPSOamount of P in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesAPSTamount of P in living stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKLIVTamount of K in living crop organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKLOSSLamount of K in dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKLOSSRamount of K in dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKLOSSSamount of K in dead stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKLOSSTamount of K in dead crop organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKMINamount of K potentially available from the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKMINTtotal K directly available from soil and fertiliserDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKROOTtotal K in living and dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesKUPTTtotal K uptake by crop from soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNFIXTTtotal N uptake by crop from biological fixationDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLIVTamount of N in living crop organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLOSSLamount of N in dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLOSSRamount of N in dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLOSSSamount of N in dead stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLOSSTamount of N in dead crop organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNMINorganic N potentially available by mineralization from the soil kg N ha-1DOUBLE--0.0
statesNMINTtotal mineral N directly available from soil and fertiliserDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNROOTtotal N in living and dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNUPTTtotal N uptake by crop from soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPLIVTamount of P in living crop organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPLOSSLamount of P in dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPLOSSRamount of P in dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPLOSSSamount of P in dead stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPLOSSTamount of P in dead crop organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPMINP potentially available from the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPMINTtotal P directly available from soil and fertiliserDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPROOTtotal P in living and dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesPUPTTtotal P uptake by crop from soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
raterDLVdecrease in leaf mass by senescenceDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterDRRTdeat root rateDOUBLE--0.0
raterDRSTdead stem rateDOUBLE--0.0
raterKUPTRdaily K uptake rate by the cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterNFIXTRN uptake rate by crop from biological fixationDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterNUPTRdaily N uptake rate by the cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterPUPTRdaily P uptake rate by the cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKLDLVK losses due to death of leavesDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKLDRTK losses due to death of rootsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKLDSTK losses due to death of stemsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKLVrate of change of K amount in the leavesDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKMINSdepletion (thus negative value) of the available amount of soil KDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKMINTchange in total directly available K in soilDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKRTrate of change of K amount in the rootsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKSOrate of change of K amount in the storage organsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRKSTrate of change of K amount in the stemsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNLDLVN losses due to death of leavesDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNLDRTN losses due to death of rootsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNLDSTN losses due to death of stemsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNLVrate of change of N amount in the leavesDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNMINSdepletion (thus negative value)/mineralization of the available amount of soil organic NDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNMINTchange in total inorganic directly available N in soilDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNRTrate of change of N amount in the rootsDOUBLEJ/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNSOactual N translocation to storage organsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRNSTrate of change of N amount in the stemsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPLDLVP losses due to death of leavesDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPLDRTP losses due to death of rootsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPLDSTP losses due to death of stemsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPLVrate of change of P amount in the leavesDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPMINSdepletion (thus negative value) of the available amount of soil PDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPMINTchange in total directly available P in soilDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPRTrate of change of P amount in the rootsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPSOactual P translocation to storage organsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
raterRPSTrate of change of P amount in the stemsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outWithCropcrop is presentBOOLEAN1--false

See also: net.simplace.client.simulation.lap.lintul5.Lintul5, Biomass

public class NPK extends net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public NPK(String aName, HashMap aFieldMap, HashMap aInputMap, Element
aSimComponentElement, FWSimVarMap aVarMap, int aOrderNumber);
public NPK();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines

initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
protected void initValues();

protected void resetOnHarvest();

protected void process(); // Defines

process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap
protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent

creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - NPK