Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcAMDVSTTable of AMDVS as a function of DVSDOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@dbddbe3
constantcAMTMPTTable of AMTMP as function of DDTMP DOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@7a83ccd2
constantcAMXPotential CO 2 assimilation rate at light saturatPotential CO 2 assimilation rate at light saturation for individual leaveson forDOUBLEg m-2 s-1--0.00111
constantcASRQLVAssimilate requirement for leaf dry matter productionDOUBLEg g-1--1.463
constantcASRQRTAssimilate requirement for root dry matter productionDOUBLEg g-1--1.444
constantcASRQSOAssimilate requirement for storage organ dry matter productionDOUBLEg g-1--1.415
constantcASRQSTAssimilate requirement for stem dry matter productionDOUBLEg g-1--1.513
constantcCFLVMass fraction carbon in the leavesDOUBLEg g-1--0.459
constantcCFRTMass fraction carbon in the rootsDOUBLEg g-1--0.467
constantcCFSOMass fraction carbon in the storage organsDOUBLEg g-1--0.471
constantcCFSTMass fraction carbon in the stems DOUBLEg g-1--0.494
constantcCONVLConversion factor for remobilization of stem carbohydrates into glucoseDOUBLE--0.947
constantcCompatibilityModecompatibility mode for GLA calculationBOOLEAN--true
constantcDVRRTTable of DVR in post-anthesis phase as function of temperatureDOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@44aa2e13
constantcDVRVTTable of DVR in pre-anthesis phase as function of temperatureDOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@599a9cb2
constantcEAREar area/weight ratioDOUBLEm2 g-1--6.3E-4
constantcEDPTFTTable to read the root activity coefficientDOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@3a1b36a1
constantcEESSoil-specific extinction coefficientDOUBLEmm-1--0.002
constantcEFFInitial light conversion factor for individual leavesDOUBLEg J-1--1.25E-5
constantcEZRTC constantant for root elongationDOUBLEmm d-1--12.0
constantcFDVRRfactor phenology post-anthesisDOUBLE--1.0
constantcFDVRVfactor phenology pre-anthesisDOUBLE--1.0
constantcFLVTBTable of FLV as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@5e1a986c
constantcFRDRParameter to determine rate of increase in RDRDOUBLE--1.0
constantcFRTRLFraction stem weight eventually translocated to storage organsDOUBLE--0.2
constantcFSHTBTable of FSH as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@4b55ff0a
constantcFSOTBTable of FSO as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@46a795de
constantcFSTTBTable of FST as function of DVSDOUBLEARRAY--[Ljava.lang.Double;@256a0d95
constantcIDSLRInitial of DSLRDOUBLEd--1.0
constantcIDVSInitial development stageDOUBLE---0.0
constantcIEAIInitial ear area indexDOUBLEm2 m-2--0.0
constantcILAIInitial leaf area indexDOUBLEm2 m-2--0.012
constantcINTCInterception capacity of precipitation of 1 layer of leavesDOUBLEmm d-1--0.25
constantcKDFExtinction coefficient for leavesDOUBLEm2 ha-1--0.6
constantcLAICRCritical leaf area index beyond which death to self-shading occurs DOUBLEm2 m-2--4.0
constantcMAINLVMaintenance respiration coefficient of leavesDOUBLEg g-1 d-1--0.03
constantcMAINRTMaintenance respiration coefficient of rootsDOUBLEg g-1 d-1--0.015
constantcMAINSOMaintenance respiration coefficient of storage organsDOUBLEg g-1 d-1--0.01
constantcMAINSTMaintenance respiration coefficient of stemsDOUBLEg g-1 d-1--0.015
constantcMDRATEMaximum drainage rate of the subsoilDOUBLEmm d-1--50.0
constantcQ10Factor accounting for increase in maintenance respiration with a 10 °C rise temperatureDOUBLE--2.0
constantcRGRLRelative growth rate of leaf area during exponential growthDOUBLE°C-1 d-1--0.009
constantcSCPScattering coefficient of leaves for PARDOUBLE--0.2
constantcSLASpecific leaf areaDOUBLEm2 g-1--0.022
constantcTBASEBase temperature for juvenile leaf area growthDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcTKL1Thickness of the soil layer 1DOUBLEmm--200.0
constantcTKL2Thickness of the soil layer 2DOUBLEmm--400.0
constantcTKL3Thickness of the soil layer 3DOUBLEmm--600.0
constantcTKL4Thickness of the soil layer 4DOUBLEmm--800.0
constantcTRANSCCharacteristic potential transpiration rate (see Table 2.2)DOUBLEmm d-1--9.0
constantcTREFReference temperatureDOUBLE°C--25.0
constantcWCAD1Volumetric water content in each soil layer at dry airDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.025
constantcWCAD2Volumetric water content in each soil layer at dry airDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.025
constantcWCAD3Volumetric water content in each soil layer at dry airDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.025
constantcWCAD4Volumetric water content in each soil layer at dry airDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.025
constantcWCFC1Volumetric water content at field capacity in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.23
constantcWCFC2Volumetric water content at field capacity in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.23
constantcWCFC3Volumetric water content at field capacity in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.23
constantcWCFC4Volumetric water content at field capacity in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.23
constantcWCLI1Initial value for WCL1DOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.2
constantcWCLI2Initial value for WCL2DOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.2
constantcWCLI3Initial value for WCL3DOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.2
constantcWCLI4Initial value for WCL4DOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.2
constantcWCST1Volumetric water content at saturation in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.4
constantcWCST2Volumetric water content at saturation in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.4
constantcWCST3Volumetric water content at saturation in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.4
constantcWCST4Volumetric water content at saturation in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.4
constantcWCWET1Volumetric water content where water logging beginsDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.35
constantcWCWET2Volumetric water content where water logging beginsDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.35
constantcWCWET3Volumetric water content where water logging beginsDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.35
constantcWCWET4Volumetric water content where water logging beginsDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.35
constantcWCWP1Volumetric water content at wilting point in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.075
constantcWCWP2Volumetric water content at wilting point in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.075
constantcWCWP3Volumetric water content at wilting point in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.075
constantcWCWP4Volumetric water content at wilting point in each soil layerDOUBLEcm3 cm-3--0.075
constantcWLVDIInitial value for WLVDDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
constantcWLVIInitial dry weight of the leavesDOUBLEg m-2--0.5
constantcWRTIInitial dry weight of the rootsDOUBLEg m-2--0.8
constantcWSOIInitial value for WSODOUBLEg m-2--0.0
constantcWSTIInitial value for WSTDOUBLEg m-2--0.3
constantcZRTIInitial value for ZRTDOUBLEmm--5.0
constantcZRTMCMaximum value for rooted depth as crop characteristicDOUBLEmm--1200.0
constantcZRTMSMaximum value for rooted depth as soil characteristicDOUBLEmm--1200.0
inputiATRANSTotal actual transpiration rate of the canopy DOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
inputiIDEVDevStage from Lintul.Phenology DOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
inputiPTRANSPotential transpiration rate derived from Penman evaporationDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
inputiRAINDaily precipitation (from AB/TPE weather system)DOUBLE--0.0
inputiRDDDaily solar radiationDOUBLEJ m-2 d-1--0.0
inputiTMMNDaily minimum temperature (from AB/TPE weather system)DOUBLE°--0.0
inputiTMMXDaily maximum temperature (from AB/TPE weather system)DOUBLE°--0.0
inputiVPActual vapour pressure (from AB/TPE weather system)DOUBLEkPa--0.0
inputiWNWind speed (from AB/TPE weather system)DOUBLEm s-1--0.0
statesDSLRNumber of days since last rainDOUBLEd--0.0
statesDVSDevelopment stage of the cropDOUBLE---0.0
statesEAIEar area indexDOUBLEm2 m-2--0.0
statesLAILeaf area indexDOUBLEm2 m-2--0.0
statesTAEVAPCumulative actual soil evaporationDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTAINTCTotal amount of rainfall intercepted by the canopyDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTATRANTotal amount of water transpired by the cropDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTDRAINTotal drainageDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTDTGATotal gross CO 2 assimilation of the cropDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
statesTEVAPDCumulative potential soil evaporation due to drying power of the airDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTEVAPRCumulative potential soil evaporation due to radiationDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTNASSTotal net CO 2 assimilationDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
statesTPENMCumulative potential evapotranspirationDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTPEVAPCumulative potential ecaporatioDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTPTRANCumulative actual soil evaporationDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTRAINTotal precipitationDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesTRNOFFTotal runoffDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesWL1Amount of water in soil compartment 1DOUBLEmm--0.0
statesWL2Amount of water in soil compartment 2DOUBLEmm--0.0
statesWL3Amount of water in soil compartment 3DOUBLEmm--0.0
statesWL4Amount of water in soil compartment 4DOUBLEmm--0.0
statesWLVDDry weight of dead leavesDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
statesWLVGDry weight of green leavesDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
statesWRTDry weight of the rootsDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
statesWSODry weight of storage organsDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
statesWSTDry weight of the stemsDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
statesZRTRooted depthDOUBLEmm--0.0
raterAEVAPActual soil evaporation rate, derived from Penman evaporationDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterAINTCActual amount of precipitation intercepted by the canopyDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterDLVDeath rate of leavesDOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
raterDRAINDrainage rate below the root zoneDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterDTGADaily total gross CO 2 assimilation of the cropDOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
raterDVRDevelopment rateDOUBLEd-1--0.0
raterEVAPDPotential soil evaporation due to drying power of the airDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterEVAPRPotential soil evaporation due to radiationDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterEZRTRate of root elogationDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterGRTDry matter growth rate of rootsDOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
raterGSODry matter growth rate of storage organsDOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
raterGSTDry matter growth rate of stemsDOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
raterPENMANPenman reference value for potential evaporationDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterPEVAPPotential soil evaporationDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterRDSLRDay with no rainDOUBLEd d-1--0.0
raterREAIGrowth rate ear area indexDOUBLEm2 m-2 d-1--0.0
raterRLAIGrowth rate leaf area indexDOUBLEm2 m-2 d-1--0.0
raterRNOFFRunoffDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterRRAINDaily precipitationDOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterRTNASSnet CO 2 assimilation rateDOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
raterRWL1 Rate of increase for WL1DOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterRWL2 Rate of increase for WL2DOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterRWL3 Rate of increase for WL3DOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterRWL4 Rate of increase for WL4DOUBLEmm d-1--0.0
raterRWLVGGreen leaf growth rateDOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
outCHECKVariable to check the water balance (should be zero)DOUBLEmm--0.0
outCHKDIF Difference between carbon added to the crop since initialization and the net total of integrated carbon fluxes, relative to their sum DOUBLEg m-2--0.0
outCPEWreduction partitioning DOUBLE--0.0
outCROPFCrop factor for crop water requirementDOUBLE--0.0
outDAVTMPXXWeight of green and dead leavesDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
outDS0Daily extraterrestrial radiationDOUBLEJ m-2 s-1--0.0
outDVSdevelopment stageDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
outEMERGXXWeight of green and dead leavesDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
outGPHOTassimilation DOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
outHIHarvest indexDOUBLEg g-1--0.0
outPCEWreduction assimilation DOUBLE--0.0
outTADRWTotal above ground biomass DOUBLEg m-2--0.0
outTDRWTotal biomass DOUBLEg m-2--0.0
outTKLTSum of thickness of the soil layersDOUBLEmm--0.0
outTNASSIInitial value of TNASSDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
outWCUMIInitial value for WCUMDOUBLEmm--0.0
outWL1IInitial amount for WL1DOUBLEmm--0.0
outWL2IInitial amount for WL2DOUBLEmm--0.0
outWL3IInitial amount for WL3DOUBLEmm--0.0
outWL4IInitial amount for WL4DOUBLEmm--0.0
outWLVWeight of green and dead leavesDOUBLEg m-2--0.0
outZRTMMaximum value for rooted depthDOUBLEmm--0.0
outoFLVassimilation DOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
outoFRTassimilation DOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
outoFSOassimilation DOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
outoFSTassimilation DOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0
outoMAINTassimilation DOUBLEg m-2 d-1--0.0

public class Sucros2Crop extends net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public Sucros2Crop();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent
public void initializeVariables();

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines

Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
protected void process(); // Defines

Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap
protected void calculateRates();

protected void integrateStates();

protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent

creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - Sucros2Crop