public static HashMap
ra(double tTempHourly, double WN, double u_star,
double H, double CropHeight, double iLAI, double AtmPres, double tsTcan,
double zm);
iterative calculation of aerodynamic resistance without assumptions of atmospheric stability
ra is calculated on the basis of the atmospheric stability regime, which is determined using the Richardson number
the stability correction functions depend on the Monin-Obukhov length
- tTempHourly hourly air temperature
- WN wind speed above crop
- u_star friction velocity
- H sensible heat flux
- CropHeight crop height
- iLAI leaf area index
- AtmPres atmospheric
- tsTcan canopy temperature
- zm measurement height for wind and temperature measurement, assumed equal
returns a HashMap wich contains sra, the stability correction functions for momentum and heat transfer, and Richardson number...