This form component panel can displays results dynamically for different content. Use form filler to pass content to the
result component
chart or...
net.simplace.ui.formengine.filler.FWChartResultFormComponentPanel and...
st_9 only for chartresults!
public abstract class FWAbstractResultFormComponentPanel extends
javax.swing.JPanel {
// Public Constructors
public FWAbstractResultFormComponentPanel();
// Public Instance Methods public abstract void exportData();
exporting data of this result
public String getTitle();
returns delivers the title of the component
public String getSystemID();
returns the SystemID of Component
// Protected Instance Methods protected abstract void initFromFiller();
initializes from filler as source
remember to initialize the title
protected abstract void initFromParameters();
initializes from static parameters as source
remember to initialize the title
protected void
setTitle(String aTitle);
sets the title of the component
protected String
getOriginalComponentParameteterValue(String aKey);
returns the Value of the given parameterkey in FormElement parameters
protected String
getComponentParameterValue(String aKey);
returns the Value of the given parameter key in FormElement parameters
protected Map getComponentParameterMap();
returns the Value of the given parameter key in FormElement parameters
protected boolean hasFiller();
returns the filler
protected Element getFormElement();
returns the formElement
protected String getJumper();
returns the jumper
protected String
getLocaleValue(String aKey, String aDefault);
returns the localized value
This method limits the coding for reading values from the locale.
FWObservable getObservable();
returns the observable
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - FWAbstractResultFormComponentPanel
Extended by: FWChartResultFormComponentPanel, FWCropResultFormComponentPanel, FWDatasetTableResultFormComponentPanel, net.simplace.ui.formengine.fuzzy.FWFuzzyResultFormComponentPanel, FWHtmlResultFormComponentPanel, FWImageResultFormComponentPanel, FWMapResultFormComponentPanel, FWPDFResultFormComponentPanel, FWTableResultFormComponentPanel