Use this class to easily build groups of widgets etc. buttons, popupbuttons...
public class FWBoxPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel {
// Public Constructors
public FWBoxPanel();
public FWBoxPanel(int aAxis);
// Constants
public static final int X_AXIS;
public static final int Y_AXIS;
// Public Instance Methods public
FWButton addButton(Action aAction);
Add Button with special Action
public void addButton(JButton aButton);
Add Button to Panel
FWButton addButton(String aCaption, ActionListener aActionListener,
String aActionCommand);
Add Button
FWButton addButton(String aCaption, ActionListener aActionListener,
String aActionCommand, boolean aEnabled);
Add Button
FWButton addButton(String aCaption, char aMnemonic, ActionListener
aActionListener, String aActionCommand, boolean aEnabled);
Add Button
FWButton addButton(String aCaption, char aMnemonic, ActionListener
aActionListener, String aActionCommand, boolean aEnabled, Icon aIcon);
- aCaption
- aMnemonic
- aActionListener
- aActionCommand
- aEnabled
- aIcon
returns the Button
FWButton addDefaultButton(String aButtonType, String aActionCommand,
ActionListener aActionListener);
- aButtonType
- aActionCommand
- aActionListener
returns the added Button for keeping the reference
FWButton addDefaultButton(String aButtonType, String aActionCommand,
ActionListener aActionListener, boolean aEnabled);
- aButtonType
- aActionCommand
- aActionListener
- aEnabled
returns the added Button for keeping the reference
public JCheckBox
addCheckbox(String aCaption, String aActionCommand,
ActionListener aActionListener, boolean aSelected);
- aCaption
- aActionCommand
- aActionListener
- aSelected
returns the new JCheckBox
public JCheckBox
addCheckbox(String aCaption, ItemListener aItemListener,
boolean aSelected);
- aCaption
- aItemListener
- aSelected
returns the new JCheckBox
public void addStrut();
Adding Strut of 6 px
public Component
addStrut(int aWidth);
returns the strut component
public Component
addDynamicStrut(int aMinWidth, int aPrefWidth);
returns the strut component
public void addGlue();
adds a Glue
public AbstractButton
getButton(Action aAction);
returns the asked Button
public AbstractButton
getButton(String aActionCommand);
returns the asked Button
public void
setEnabled(Action aAction, boolean aEnabled);
public void
setEnabled(String aActionCommand, boolean aEnabled);
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - FWBoxPanel