
Transforms daily radiation and temperature to diurnal values using sine curves.

Temperature follows a sine curve during daylight and an exponential decay curve during night between minimum and maximum temperature.

Radiation follows either a simple sine curve, or a shifted sine curve (SinBeta) as defined by (G).

Input variables

Output variables

Output variables in the following order


Temperature is calculated according to (G) eq. 3.9 for daytime

\(12-d/2 < t_h < 12+d/2\): \[ T_a(t_h) =T_{min} + (T_{max} + T_{min})\sin(\pi \frac{t_h - 12 + \frac{d}{2}}{d + 2p}) \]

and (G) eq. 3.10 for nighttime

\(t_h \leq 12-d/2 \quad\text{or}\quad 12+d/2 \leq t_h\): \[ T_a(t_h) = \frac{T_{min}-T_{sset} e^{-\frac{n}{TC}} + (T_{sset}-T_{min})e^{-\frac{t_h - t_{sset}}{TC}}}{1-e^{-\frac{n}{TC}}} \] where \(T_a\) is the air temperature at hour \(t_h\), \(d, n\) are day- and nightlength, \(p\) is the offset from noon of max temperature and \(TC\) the nocturnal time coefficient. \(T_{sset}, t_{sset}\) are temperature and time at sunsset.


If RadiationCurve has the value 'Sine', then the radiation intensitiy follows the curve

\[ I(t) \propto s(t) = \sin(\frac{\pi}{d} (t - (12-\frac{d}{2}))) \]

If it has the value SinBeta the curve (G), eq. 3.2 is used:

\[ I(t) \propto sin\beta(t) = a + b\cos(2\pi \frac{t - 12}{24}) \] where parameters \(a,b\) depend on latitude and daylength. Diurnal Radiation at a timestep \(t_i\) is the radiation accumulated between the previous and actual timestep. \[ R(t_i) = \int_{t_{i-1}}^{t_i}I(t)dt \]


(G) Goudriaan, Modeling Potential Crop Growth Processes, 1994, (revised version Nov. 2004)

public class DiurnalSineWeatherTransformer extends {
// Public Constructors
public DiurnalSineWeatherTransformer(FWSimSession aSession, Element
aResourceElement, Integer aOrderNumber);
public DiurnalSineWeatherTransformer(FWSimSession aSession, Integer

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

public FWSimResourceCache getData(FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
throws MissingSimResourceException; // Defines

standard method from outside
public FWSimResourceCache getData(FWSimVarMap aVarMap, FWSimResourceCache
aResourceCache) throws MissingSimResourceException;

used by test cases
returns delivered new data from transformer
public void fillVarMap(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines

public FWSimResourceCache calculateDiurnalValues(int steps, double latitude,
double timeOffset, double timeCoefficient, String radiationCurve, String
DateField, String MinTempField, String MaxTempField, String
RadiationField, String aProjectID, FWSimResourceCache aCache)
throws MissingSimResourceException;

Calculates Daylengths
returns the new created {@link FWSimResourceCache}
public void updateFields(FWObservable aObservable);
// Defines


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - - - DiurnalSineWeatherTransformer