
Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcAfterTSUM1End of sensitive period for kernel abortion relative to anthesis; 100DD after silking in maizeDOUBLEC day--100.0
constantcBeforeTSUM1Start of sensitive period for kernel abortion relative to anthesis; 250DD before silking in maizeDOUBLEC days--250.0
constantcReductionPerDHAboveTempCriticalreduction in kernel number/ yield per degree-hour above a threshold tempDOUBLEone--0.05
constantcTCriticalTemperature at which reduction in final yield occurs due to kernel abortionDOUBLEC--32.0
constantcTSUM1Cultivar specific temperature sum to reach anthesisDOUBLEC day---
inputiDVScurrent crop development stageDOUBLEone---
inputiTSUMcumulative temperature sum from emergenceDOUBLEC day---
inputiTinputestimated canopy temperatureDOUBLEARRAYC---
inputiYieldstorage organ yieldDOUBLE---
stateTSUMprevDaytemperature sum from previous dayDOUBLEC day---
staterDailyDHAboveTempCriticaltodays increment in degree-hours above cTCriticalDOUBLEC day---
statesCumulativeDHAboveTempCriticalcumulative degree-hours around flowering above cTCriticalDOUBLEC day---
statesHSRedFactoryield reduction factor due to cumulative high temperatures above CTCriticalDOUBLEone---
FinalHSTSUMTemperature sum at which determination of grain reduction due to heat stress endedDOUBLEnull
HSAdjustedYieldyield of storage organs adjusted for high temperatures around floweringDOUBLEg m-2null
HSPeriodEndDOYDOY when determination of grain reduction due to heat stress endedINTnull
HSPeriodStartDOYDOY when determination of grain reduction due to heat stress startedINTnull
NumHoursWithHSCount of hours when temperature exceeded cTCriticalINTnull
StartHSTSUMTemperature sum at which determination of grain reduction due to heat stress startedDOUBLEnull

public class HeatStressHourly extends
net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public HeatStressHourly(String aName, HashMap aFieldMap, HashMap aInputMap,
Element aSimComponentElement, FWSimVarMap aVarMap, int aOrderNumber);
public HeatStressHourly();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines

protected void process(); // Defines

protected void reset();

protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent

creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - HeatStressHourly