Defines the abstract functions/procedures that a class needs to implement
in order to be usable as an error calculation method by the LeastDifferenceSelector
public abstract class ErrorCalculationMethod {
// Public Constructors
public ErrorCalculationMethod();
// Protected Instance Variables
protected int count;
protected double sum;
// Public Instance Methods public void init();
Initializes the calculation method
public double getWorstValue();
Returns the value that is considered worst by the error calculation method
returns worstValue
public abstract void
addDataPair(double observed, double calculated);
Adds a pair of observed and calculated data to the list
public abstract double getValue();
Calculates the (error)value from the list of pairs
returns errorvalue
public abstract boolean
isBetter(double better, double worse);
Checks if the first value is better than the second value with respect to
the calcualtion method.
returns true if first value is better than second
public abstract String getLabel();
Gets the label of the calculation method
returns label
public String getDescription();
Gets the full name or a short description of the error method
returns description or full name
Extended by: AgreementIndex, ConcordanceCorrelationCoefficient, CorrelationCoefficient, EF, MAE, ME, MRE, MSE, RMAE, RMSE, RRMSE, SMAPE, VoidErrorCalculator
Returned by: ErrorCalculationFactory.getErrorCalculator()