
Checks the setting of values and other tasks in the system due to 4 different checking levels. Main idea of the levels is explained in FWCheckHelper.CHECK_LEVEL.

public class FWCheckHelper {
// Public Constructors
public FWCheckHelper(FWCheckHelper.CHECK_LEVEL aLevel, String
aCustomCheckerClassName, FWSimSession aSession);

// Public Instance Methods
public FWCheckHelper.CHECK_LEVEL getCheckLevel();

returns the checkLevel
public void setCheckLevel(FWCheckHelper.CHECK_LEVEL aCheckLevel);

public Number checkLimits(FWSimVariable aSource, Number aValue, Number aMin,
Number aMax) throws SimValueOutOfRangeException;

Returns false if aValue is NaN or outside limits. Limits that are null are ignored.
returns if limits are checked valid - if level < LAZY no check is performed (return true)
public boolean checkSource(FWSimVariable aTarget, FWSimFieldContainer
aSimFieldContainer, FWSimFieldContainer aSource)
throws SimLinkInvalidException;

Returns false if the owning container: .
returns if check is valid - if level < LAZY no check is performed (return true)
public boolean checkWriteProtectionOnContentType(FWSimVariable aTarget,
FWSimVariable.CONTENT_TYPE aContentType, FWSimFieldContainer aSource)
throws SimLinkInvalidException;

Returns false if the content type makes the variable write protected
returns if check is valid - if level < LAZY no check is performed (return true)
public void finalize(); // Overrides java.lang.Object

// Inner Classes
public static final class FWCheckHelper.CHECK_LEVEL extends java.lang.Enum

Returned by: net.simplace.simulation.FWSimSession.getChecker()