public class RasterSection {
// Public Constructors
public RasterSection(int aInnerStartColumn, int aInnerEndColumn, int
aInnerStartRow, int aInnerEndRow, int aOuterStartColumn, int
aOuterEndColumn, int aOuterStartRow, int aOuterEndRow, int aColNumber,
int aRowNumber);
// Class Variables
public static int COLUMN_WIDTH;
public static int ROW_HIGHT;
public static int BUFFER_WIDTH;
public static int BUFFER_HIGHT;
// Public Instance Methods public List getSelectedWeatherStations();
returns the selectedWeatherStations
public int
selectWeatherStations(List aWeatherStationList,
RasterData aRasterData);
- aWeatherStationList
- aRasterData
returns number of selected weather stations
public void
WeatherStation aSelectedWeatherStation);
- aSelectedWeatherStation
- aSelectedWeatherStations
the selectedWeatherStations to set
public int getInnerStartColumn();
returns the innerStartColumn
public int getInnerEndColumn();
returns the innerEndColumn
public int getInnerStartRow();
returns the innerStartRow
public int getInnerEndRow();
returns the innerEndRow
public int getOuterStartColumn();
returns the outerStartColumn
public int getOuterEndColumn();
returns the outerEndColumn
public int getOuterStartRow();
returns the outerStartRow
public int getOuterEndRow();
returns the outerEndRow
public boolean next();
returns the outerEndRow
public int getRowPosition();
returns the current row position, shifted around by next()
public int getColPosition();
returns the current col position, shifted around by next()
public int hashCode(); // Overrides java.lang.Object
public boolean equals(Object obj); // Overrides java.lang.Object
public String toString(); // Overrides java.lang.Object
public int getRowNumber();
returns Number the section rowwise
public int getColNumber();
returns Number the section colwise