
This processor reads an XLS document into a HSSF workbook object. Example configuration: XLSdata jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test org.hsqldb.jdbcDrive sa initial//optional someKey
Parameter Description
jdbc.connectionpool name of the connectionpool - if exisiting in Pipeline url and driver are ignored
jdbc.driver (optional) JDBC driver used for the communication to the database.
Default: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
jdbc.url (optional)URL for the given JDBC driver.
Default: jdbc:hsqldb:mem
resultParamKey Output parameter key where the connection is stored in
readsheet (optional) default to initial
"readFile" can be a filename or a parameter containing a filename. Note: The value of "readFile" may not be "readFile"! "readSheet" can be a sheetname or excel jump marker (f.e. "data1!A1" for sheet "data1", column "A", row "1"), it's only "data1" used to open the sheet, the rest is ignored

public class HSSFWorkbook2DBProcessor extends
net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public HSSFWorkbook2DBProcessor();

// Constants
protected static final String JDBC_DRIVER_KEY;
protected static final String JDBC_URL_KEY;
protected static final String POOL_NAME_KEY;
protected static final String JDBC_DRIVER_DEFAULT;
protected static final String JDBC_URL_DEFAULT;
protected static final String POOL_NAME_DEFAULT;
// Protected Instance Variables
protected File iSourceFile;
protected String iJdbcDriver;
protected String iJdbcUrl;
protected String iConnectionPoolName;
protected boolean iPrevAutoCommit;

// Public Instance Methods
public boolean checkInParameterMap(); // Defines

Checks whether the in-channel contains all required parameters.

// Protected Instance Methods
protected boolean process() throws PipeLineException; // Defines

protected Connection getConnection(String aOutParameter)
throws PipeLineException;

protected void deleteTable(Connection tConnection, String tSheetName);


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor - HSSFWorkbook2DBProcessor

Extended by: JXLWorkbook2DBProcessor