
Functionality starting styled atlas map view and show some layers. The data for the layers are specified by the in-channel.
There is only one type of in-channel keys: map.[SortKey.]XXXXX, where SortKey (optional) specifies the order the layer are inserted in the MapPanel (lowest value on top) and XXXXX is the name of a references-key to a geo object in the in-channel.
Supported typed of geo objects: Also native geotools objects (org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D,, org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection) can be visualized. They get a default style and no legend information.
The value of the parameter should contain a reference-key to a short layer description in ISDSS localization.
Use one of the map.-parameter for each layer to display.
If no SortKeys are specified, the layers are inserted in the MapPanel in an undefined order.
If the atlas info tool is activated, the functionality reacts with opening a html info page on the selected item. If the parameter "htmlInfoLayerID" is set, only the features of this layer are performed with this behavior. If the parameter is not set, all layers are handled.

See also: net.simplace.ui.panel.FWLayeredMapPanel

public class AtlasMapFunctionality extends
net.simplace.util.functionality.FWAbstractFunctionality implements {
// Public Constructors
public AtlasMapFunctionality();

// Public Instance Methods
public void startFunctionality() throws Exception;
// Defines net.simplace.util.functionality.FWAbstractFunctionality

Starts the functionality and inserts layers in the map.
public MapLayer getHtmlInfoLayer();

Returns the layer the html info tool is performed on.
returns {@code null} if no specific layer is specified yet (info tool reacts on all layers in this case)
public void setHtmlInfoLayer(MapLayer aLayer);

Sets the layer the html info tool is performed on. If this property is set to null the info tool reacts on all layers (as it is the default in the atlas for the info tool). Because the html information might not be given for all layers it might be useful to reduce this function to one layer.
public void performMapPaneEvent(XMapPaneEvent aJMapPaneEvent);
// From


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.lang.Thread (java.lang.Runnable) - net.simplace.util.functionality.FWAbstractFunctionality - AtlasMapFunctionality (