
Name_state Id_state Schleswig-Holstein 1 Hamburg 2 Niedersachsen 3 Bremen 4 Nordrhein-Westfalen 5 Hessen 6 Rheinland-Pfalz 7 Baden-Württemberg 8 Bayern 9 Saarland 10 Berlin 11 Brandenburg 12 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 13 Sachsen 14 Sachsen-Anhalt 15 Thüringen 16

public class WeatherFileFromGridCreator extends {
// Public Constructors
public WeatherFileFromGridCreator(String aWorkDir);

// Class Methods
public static void main(String[] args);

public static int[][] combineMasks(RasterData aCroplandmask, boolean
aUseCroplandMask, RasterData aBundeslandmask, int aNumberOfBundesland);

returns int array of the combined masks
public static List analyzeRaster(RasterData aASCIIRaster, Integer
aCellSizeFactor, int[][] aCombinedMask, boolean aFullExtend);

returns List of Raster Sections

// Public Instance Methods
public void create1x1CSVFiles(WeatherStation.TYPE aDataType, boolean
aUseCroplandMask, int aNumberOfBundesland) throws IOException;

public void createMeanRasterFile(WeatherStation.TYPE aDataType, boolean

public void createMeanCSVFiles(WeatherStation.TYPE aType, boolean
aUseCroplandMask, int aNumberOfBundesland, Vector aCellSizeFactors);

public void createMeanRasterFiles(WeatherStation.TYPE aType, boolean
aUseCroplandMask, int aNumberOfBundesland, Vector aCellSizeFactor);


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.util.FWApplication - - WeatherFileFromGridCreator