Transforms daily radiation and temperature to diurnal values using
sine curves.
Temperature follows a sine curve during daylight and an exponential decay curve
during night between minimum and maximum temperature.
Radiation follows either a simple sine curve, or a shifted sine curve (SinBeta)
as defined by (G).
The field names (column names) of date, radiation, min and max temperature in the resource
The number of steps, the diurnal values should be returned (default is 24, i.e. hourly values)
Latitude of the location
The offset from noon of max temp (default 1.5, i.e. max temperature occurs at 1:30 pm)
The nocturnal time coefficient for temperature (default is 4 hours)
The radiation curve that should be used - either 'Sine' or 'SinBeta'
Temperature is calculated according to (G) eq. 3.9 for daytime
\(12-d/2 < t_h < 12+d/2\):
T_a(t_h) =T_{min} + (T_{max} + T_{min})\sin(\pi \frac{t_h - 12 + \frac{d}{2}}{d + 2p})
and (G) eq. 3.10 for nighttime
\(t_h \leq 12-d/2 \quad\text{or}\quad 12+d/2 \leq t_h\):
T_a(t_h) = \frac{T_{min}-T_{sset} e^{-\frac{n}{TC}} + (T_{sset}-T_{min})e^{-\frac{t_h - t_{sset}}{TC}}}{1-e^{-\frac{n}{TC}}}
where \(T_a\) is the air temperature at hour \(t_h\), \(d, n\) are day- and nightlength, \(p\) is the offset from noon of max temperature and \(TC\) the
nocturnal time coefficient. \(T_{sset}, t_{sset}\) are temperature and time at sunsset.
If RadiationCurve has the value 'Sine', then the radiation intensitiy follows the curve
I(t) \propto s(t) = \sin(\frac{\pi}{d} (t - (12-\frac{d}{2})))
If it has the value 'SinBeta' the curve (G), eq. 3.2 is used:
I(t) \propto sin\beta(t) = a + b\cos(2\pi \frac{t - 12}{24})
where parameters \(a,b\) depend on latitude and daylength.
Diurnal Radiation at a timestep \(t_i\) is the radiation accumulated between the previous
and actual timestep.
R(t_i) = \int_{t_{i-1}}^{t_i}I(t)dt
Output variables
Output variables in the following order
- Date
- Time - Array of time for each step h
- Temperature - Array of Temperature for each step °C
- Radiation intensity - Array of radiation intensity for each time step m^-2 h^-1, kJ m^-2 h^-1 or MJ m^-2 h^-1
- Radiation - Array of radiation accumulated between two time steps
- DOY - day of year d
- Daylength - h
- Daily total radiation - m^-2, kJ m^-2 or MJ m^-2
(G) (G) Goudriaan, Modeling Potential Crop Growth Processes, 1994, (revised version Nov. 2004)
public class DiurnalSineWeatherTransformer extends {
// Public Constructors
public DiurnalSineWeatherTransformer(FWSimSession aSession, Element
aResourceElement, Integer aOrderNumber);
public DiurnalSineWeatherTransformer(FWSimSession aSession, Integer
// Public Instance Methods public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines
public FWSimResourceCache getData(FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
throws MissingSimResourceException; // Defines
standard method from outside
public FWSimResourceCache
getData(FWSimVarMap aVarMap, FWSimResourceCache
aResourceCache) throws MissingSimResourceException;
used by test cases
- aVarMap
variable map
- aResourceCache
Cached resources (soil data)
returns delivered new data from transformer
public void fillVarMap(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines
public FWSimResourceCache
calculateDiurnalValues(int steps, double latitude,
double timeOffset, double timeCoefficient, String radiationCurve, String
DateField, String MinTempField, String MaxTempField, String
RadiationField, String aProjectID, FWSimResourceCache aCache)
throws MissingSimResourceException;
Calculates Daylengths
- steps
- latitude
- timeOffset
- timeCoefficient
- radiationCurve
- DateField
- MinTempField
- MaxTempField
- RadiationField
- aProjectID id of the project
- aCache original weather
returns the new created {@link FWSimResourceCache}
public void updateFields(FWObservable aObservable);
// Defines
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - - - DiurnalSineWeatherTransformer