
Class that implements some methods from the LintulFAST C# version to calculate trend and technology effect on yield. They are used by the model LintulFast. Class should not be used in other modules than LintulFast.

public class TrendAndTechnologyFunctions {
// Public Constructors
public TrendAndTechnologyFunctions();

// Class Methods
public static double AddLinearTrendIncrease(double a1, int Currentyear, int

public static double[] RemoveLinearTrendFromYieldArray(int[] Year, double[]
yield_obs, double TrendCompensation_a1, double

public static double CalculateYrt0(double a1, double a0, int
Yrt0_RefernceYear, double LimitMin, double LimitMax);

public static HashMap CalculateLinearTrend(Integer[] years, Double[] yields,
Boolean TrendCalculateStartYearMeansBased);

public static HashMap calculateLinearRegression(int ind, double[] x, double[]

public static double AddTrend(double WSO, int yr, double
TrendCompensation_a1, double TrendCompensationStartYear);

public static double AddTechnology(double WSO, int ipd, double
TechnologyYr_t0, double Technologyf_T_Pr, double Technologyf_T_Gr,
double Technologyf_IntervallT_Gr, int Technology_Intervall);
