
Generate simulations with parameters created randomly from specified distributions.


For each parameter the user can chose one of the distributions

Distribution Parameters Return datatype Remark
Uniform min, max DOUBLE min, max taken from variable attributes
Normal mean, sigma DOUBLE
Exponential lambda DOUBLE
Poisson lambda INT
Binomial n, p INT

If min and max are specified and the generated value exceeds them, new random numbers are generated until one fits the interval. The number of trials is limited. If no number is found, the parameter set is skipped.

Generated parameter sets can be further restricted by constraints.

Variable specific configuration

Arbitrary number of calibration variables (either INT or DOUBLE)

<cal id="VariableName" ...

For each calibration variable the distribution and it's parametrization. Id must be the name of the variable followed by an underscore an the name of the parameter

<var id="VariableName_Distribution" datatype="CHAR"
<var id="VariableName_mean" datatype="DOUBLE" ...
<var id="VariableName_sigma" datatype="DOUBLE" ...
<var id="VariableName_lambda" datatype="DOUBLE" ...
<var id="VariableName_p" datatype="DOUBLE" ...
<var id="VariableName_n" datatype="INT" ...

See the list above for possible Distributions and their required parameters.

General configuration

Name DATATYPE Description
Count INT the number of parameter sets to be generated, mandatory
RandomSeed CHAR optional random seed for the generator. Can be a long integer, therefore it has datatype CHAR

The number of created simulations can be smaller than Count.

public class RandomSimGenerator extends
net.simplace.simulation.control.generators.DefaultSimulationGenerator {
// Public Constructors
public RandomSimGenerator(Element aProjectsElement, FWSimSolution aSolution,
HashMap aFieldMap, FWSimVariable.CONTENT_TYPE aContentType);

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Overrides

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void generate(FWSimSimulation aSelectedSimulation);
// Overrides


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationGenerator (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - net.simplace.simulation.control.generators.DefaultSimulationGenerator - RandomSimGenerator