
Simulates soil water. Part of the Gecros model.

Consult reference for description of algorithms.

This module calculates only the water balance part. For biomass producution there is the complementary module GecrosCrop. There is also a module Gecros, where crop and soil water part are calculated simultaneusly.

Reference: Yin, X. and van Laar, H.H. (2005): Crop Systems Dynamics. An ecophysiological simulation model for genotype-by-environment interactions. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcBHCInitial value for microbial biomass in the soil and humified organic matter in the soil (BIO + HUM)DOUBLEg/m2--3500.0
constantcBIORDecomposition rate constant for microbial biomass in the soil (BIO)DOUBLEa-1--0.66
constantcCLAYPercentage of clay in the soilDOUBLE%--23.4
constantcDPMIInitial value of decomposable plant material (DPM)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcDPMR0Standard value for decomposition rate constant (DPMR) for decomposable plant material (DPM)DOUBLEa-1--10.0
constantcDRPMRatio decomposable plant material/resistant plant material (DPM/RPM) of added plant materialDOUBLE1--1.44
constantcFBIOCFraction of initial value for for micobial biomass in the soil (BIOI) in initial total soil organic carbon (TOC)DOUBLE1--0.03
constantcHUMRDecomposition rate constant for humified organic matter in the soil (HUM)DOUBLEa-1--0.02
constantcMULTFMultiplication factor for initial soil water statusDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcNAIInitial ammonium-N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcNNIInitial nitrate-N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcNSWISwitch variable for N supply for crop: false=user defined (NINPA, NINPN); true=simulatedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcRAResidual ammonium-N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--1.0
constantcRNResidual nitrate-N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--1.0
constantcRPMR0Standard value for decompostion rate constant (RPMR) for resistant plant material (RPM)DOUBLEa-1--0.3
constantcSD1Thickness of upper evaporative soil layerDOUBLEcm--5.0
constantcTCPTime ConstantDOUBLEd--1.0
constantcTCTTime constant for soil temperature dynamicsDOUBLEd--4.0
constantcTOCTotal organic C in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--7193.0
constantcTSOILIInitial soil temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcWCFCSoil water content in field capacityDOUBLEm3/m3--0.25
constantcWCMAXSoil water content at maximum water holding capacityDOUBLEm3/m3--0.35
constantcWCMINMinimum soil water contentDOUBLEm3/m3--0.05
constantcWSWISwitch variable for water supply for crop: false=user defined (WINPUT); true=simulatedBOOLEAN1--false
inputiAESOILActual soil evaporationDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
inputiATCANActual canopy transpirationDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
inputiDoHarvestTrigger for harvestingBOOLEAN1--false
inputiDoSowTrigger for sowingBOOLEAN1--false
inputiFERNAAmmonium-N application rateDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiFERNNNitrate-N application rateDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiIRRIRate of water added by irrigationDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
inputiLITCLitter carbon entering the soilDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiLITNLitter nitrogen entering the soilDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiNINPAUser-defined ammonium-N supply to cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiNINPNUser-defined nitrate-N supply to cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiNUPTAAmmonium-N uptake by the cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiNUPTNNitrate-N uptake by the cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiRDRooting depth to the soilDOUBLEcm--0.0
inputiRRDRate of change in rooting depth of the soilDOUBLEcm/d--0.0
inputiTAVSSDaily average temperature at the soil surfaceDOUBLE°C--0.0
inputiWINPUTUser-defined water supply to cropDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
statesBIOMicrobial biomass in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesDPMDecomposable plant materialDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesDPNOrganic N in DPMDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesHUMHumified organic matter in soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNALLAmmonium-N in the lower soil layerDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNAULAmmonium-N in the upper soil layerDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNNLLNitrate-N in the lower soil layerDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNNULNitrate-N in the upper soil layerDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesRPMResistant plant material (difficult to decompose)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesRPNOrganic N in resistant plant material (RPM)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesSFERNANH4-N fertilizer susceptible to volatilizationDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTNLEATotal nitrate-N leached to groundwaterDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTSOILSoil temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
statesWLLWater content in the lower soil layerDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesWULWater content of the upper soil layerDOUBLEmm--0.0
DWSUPDaily water supply for evapotranspirationDOUBLEmm/dnull
NMINERMineral N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2null
NSUPAAmmonium-N supply to cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
NSUPNNitrate-N supply to cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
WCULWater content of the upper soil layerDOUBLE

public class GecrosSoilWater extends
net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public GecrosSoilWater();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines

Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap Initial values are calculated and states are set to these initial Values.
protected void initializeModel();

protected void process(); // Defines

Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap
protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent

creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - GecrosSoilWater