
Determines sowing or re-sowing date as function of precipitation. - Sowing can occur only during a sowing period which starts when the input variable iStartSowingPhase becomes true and lasts cSowingWindowDays - Sowing is triggered, when the sum of iPrecipitation of the last cPrecipitationDays is bigger than cMinimumPrecipitationSum - if during the cDroughtCrititalPeriod (in days) there are more than cMaximumDroughtDays where iPrecipitation is below cPrecipitationThreshold, then a re-sowing is required - for the re-sowing hold the same rules as for sowing: precipitation sum of previous days must be high enough and the actual day is still in the sowing period - when iDoReset is true, all states are reset - most important output is DoSow, which is true when (re)sowing should be done it is required as an input by some other modules (phenology, biomass production, roots etc.) - NeedsReSowing is true, when there was too much drought after sowing, but the conditions for re-sowing are not fullfilled yet. - other output have a more informative character

Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcDroughtCriticalPeriodTime span in days after sowing drought days are considered for possible resowingINTd--30
constantcMaximumDroughtDaysIf number of drought days is bigger than MaximumDroughtDays, then resowing is required.INTd--7
constantcMinimumPrecipitationSumMinimum amount of precipitation that has been acumulated during last cPrecipitationDaysDOUBLEmm--30.0
constantcPrecipitationDaysNumber of days where precipitation is acumulated to decide about sowingINTd--5
constantcPrecipitationThresholdIf daily precipitation is below this threshold, the day is counted as a drought dayDOUBLEmm0.01.00.1
constantcSowingWindowDaysTime span in days after start where (re)sowing is possible INTd--60
inputiDoResetBoolean that triggers resetting of all counts (except TotalDays) and statesBOOLEAN1--false
inputiPrecipitationDaily precipitationDOUBLEmm--0.0
inputiStartSowingPhaseBoolean that triggers the start of sowing period.BOOLEAN1--false
inputiTRANRFDaily stress factor due to transpiration reductionDOUBLE1--1.0
DaysSinceSowingDays since last DoSow was triggeredINTdnull
DaysSinceStartDays since start of sowing period phaseINTdnull
DoSowIs set to true, when sowing is required and possible.BOOLEAN1null
DroughtDaysNumber of days where TRANRF is below the thresholdINTdnull
HasSownIs true, when sowing has been triggered.BOOLEAN1null
HasStartedIs set to true, when start of sowing period is triggered.BOOLEAN1null
NeedsReSowingIs true, when number of drought days exceeds the maximum and simulation is still in the sowing window.BOOLEAN1null
PreviousDaysPrecipitationArray that holds the precipitation of the last Precipitation days. Values are cyclically updated.DOUBLEARRAYmmnull
PreviousDaysPrecipitationSumSum of the previous days precipitationDOUBLEmmnull
SowingAttemptsNumber of sowing attemptsINT1null
SowingDOYDOY when DoSow occursINT1null
TotalDaysCounts total running days. Used to cyclically populate PreviousDaysPrecipitation with the last precipitation values.INTdnull

public class ReSowManagement extends
net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public ReSowManagement(String aName, HashMap aFieldMap, HashMap aInputMap,
Element aSimComponentElement, FWSimVarMap aVarMap, int aOrderNumber);
public ReSowManagement();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines

protected void reset();

protected void process(); // Defines

protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent

creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - ReSowManagement